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April 2022
Manhattan, New York

April 2022Manhattan, New York

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Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

Nicki was rubbing my ears trying to calm me down, I wanted to knock my mother's head off her shoulders so bad it wasn't even funny. "Baby calm down please I don't want you to do anything stupid."

"Nicki I can't be calm after that, who says shit like that to someone!" She pushed me down on the bed to straddle my waist, I held her sides looking into her eyes. "I told my mother multiple times not to disrespect you, if this is how she wants to be towards you she can bounce." Nicki sighed laying her head down in the crook of my neck.

I wrapped my arms around her tight, I felt responsible for this. The fact my mother constantly disrespected someone I truly cared about blew my mind. Nicki wasn't some chick I'm with for the hell of it, she was someone I'm planning to start a life with and create our own family with. Nicki is someone I can actually see myself marrying one day. "Calm down please, I don't like seeing you like this."

"We not staying here. I'ma call Tunchie and tell him to pull some strings on that house, if she thinks she's going to be in my kids life she got it twisted."

"Beyoncé I want her in they're life." She sat up and looked me dead in my eyes. "This is what I was trying to avoid, don't let this mess up the kids relationship with their grandmother. Let it stay between us, I've seen firsthand what that does."


"I'm serious, the three of us can go back and forward but when the kids are involved that shit stops, the only reason Tina will get pulled from their lives is if she hurts them physically and emotionally." I nodded, she was right, I just didn't want to listen right now.

There was a knock on the door and Nicki got off of me to open it. Michelle walked in with a folder in her hand, "for the record, I would just like to point out I never trusted him a day in my life." She handed me the folder and I opened it. I saw pictures of Snoop with two men, each picture was taking at a distance out of their sight. Towards then end it saw a picture from the night my sister was attacked, the same two men Snoop was with were in the picture near Solange. "That's not all, I dug a little deeper and found some shit out on your sister and snoop." She pulled out a piece of paper and handed it to me.

It was a paper on chain of custody, Solange had relinquished her parental rights of a child granting Snoop full custody. "My sister had a kid?"

"A little boy to be correct, he's four years old. Snoop has him out in Houston with his mother. I got some boys sitting on the place. Now ion think your sister got anything to do with her assault but Snoop definitely does. That nigga played us and he's playing your sister. I want this nigga head Honeybee."

"Michelle wait."

"I'm not waiting for shit! He fucked up my relationship with yo sister man I want to know why! For all we know that nigga sitting next to Shawn as we speak, he's the rat."

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