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April 2016

Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

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Beyoncé "Honeybee" Knowles

I ran into the hospital with Nip right behind me, my parents were in the waiting room and once they saw us they came over. "Thank god you two made it." My mom hugged me and my father pulled Nip into a hug. "How are they?"

"Lauren has a few scratches but she's fine but she went into labor, Nip she's on the third floor." He ran straight past the receptionist and into the stairwell, "Solo is still out of it she hit her head but she'll pull through." I let out a sigh of relief, "Bey I need you to sit down for me." My father grabbed my hand and brought me over to a chair, I was beginning to worry because their faces looked grim. "Claire...she didn't make it baby. I'm so sorry, someone focused the hit to the driver side of the car, when the car flipped over it took responders too long to pull her out the car. She bled out, I'm so sorry baby." Everything around me went silent.

I couldn't hear what my mother was saying until I felt a hand on my shoulder, "one more thing...she was pregnant." My eyes open wide, that couldn't be possible because if she was she would've told. "No, she would've told me."

"She wanted to surprise you, Claire told me when she found out." My mother cupped my face, she placed a kiss on my forehead. I had a child and lost them all in the same day, nothing made sense anymore.

I got up and pulled myself together, there was no use crying when the person who did this was still out there. Michelle popped her head up when she saw me walk out, Kelly was already waiting by the car cleaning her gun, "we doing this or what Bey?"

"We doing this, Michelle you coming?"

"And miss this, I won't miss it for the world." She joined us in the car, the first stop we took was to the crime scene. We couldn't get close because the cops were still hanging around, "that building right there, it's got a camera facing the scene."

"The cops most likely took the take Michelle."

"No shit, but they wouldn't take the hard drive. Everything digital is always backed up to the hard drive, why do you think people can find things even when it's deleted." She hopped out the car and jogged to the store. Kelly and I followed behind careful not to alert the cops that was hanging around.

Michelle went straight for the guy at the counter, she pulled him by his shirt and dragged him over. He fell to the floor and she took her gun out aiming it at his head, "where's your set up for the security cameras?"

"In the back." She holstered her gun and walked to the back of the store. The guy was about to get up but I kicked him in his leg making him fall, "I didn't say get up." I heard movement behind me, Kelly was walking around the store putting snacks in a bag. "Really?"

"They're for the girls chill out." Michelle came back over with a flash drive in her hand, "the laptop is still under the seat."

"Yeah let's go."
"There is no way, no one is that stupid." I knocked on the person's door. "How much you wanna bet the car is still here?"

"No one is that stupid!" The door swung open and a half naked chick mugged us. I pushed her out the way and stepped in the house, the girl started mouthing off so I punched her in the mouth shutting her up. "Michelle keep loud mouth here occupied, Kelly your with me."

"Wow would you like to tell her our birthdays too."

"She won't be alive to remember, let's go." I walked to the back of the house and kicked the bedroom door in, the dumbass had another girl on top of him. I snatched her off and placed my gun to the fools head. "Wait hold up let's talk about this."

"You hit a car today, why?"

"I just do as I'm told. I got a hit on the car and I did my job bitch calm down." I looked up at Kelly, "did he just call me a bitch?"

"He sure did." I nodded, I shot the dumbass in his dick and he screamed like a little ass girl. "Who put out the hit!"

"I don't know! Fuck man...ahhh what the fuck." I was fed up now. I shot him in his head and his girl started screaming. Kelly grabbed her face and slammed her head into a wall knocking her out. "Before we kill her and her downstairs, we could use them. We need more girls at the whorehouse."

"Call Tunchie and let him know, I'm going to go check his car." I picked up his keys and walked out the room.

The garage was out back so I had to leave the house to go to it. The car was definitely in here, I unlocked it and went through it. Since it was clean I went through the garage, I found the black book sitting on a table open to the last entry. This guy wasn't a pro, something just seemed off about the whole thing. I wiped off everything I touched and left, when I got back to the house Kelly and Michelle were doing the same thing. The girls were tied up and on the floor next to each other, "cops are on their way so let's go." I picked up one girl and Michelle took the other, we got them in the trunk and drove off to the warehouse.

I tossed the black book to Kelly as I was driving. "It was out in the open."

"The guy was an amateur or something."

"Or someone wanted the cops to find it, look at the last page." She flipped through the book until she got to the last page. A picture of all of us along with details on my car were on it. "They took this at Lauren's baby shower a month ago, the girls were a target." Michelle snatched the book reading through it, "wrong, Bey is the target. This is Bey's schedule, you were supposed to be at a meeting around the time the car was hit. I'm guessing Lo went into labor at y'all place and Claire took your car."

"How do you know my schedule?"

"I know everyone's schedule, I have too since your father assigned me your babysitter." I flicked her off, "the girls weren't supposed to be in the car, Lo wasn't due for another week. I'm guessing your car has a bigger back seat."

"Yea it was one of the customs Tunchie got for me, why am I a target."

"It doesn't say, there's nothing here saying why. My guess is the guy had a burner phone."

"He tossed it, I looked over the room when Bey left."

"We should let Snoop handle this Bey, we not investigators that's his job. We just a hit crew." I agree with her, this was way out of our league. "Ight, I'll call him when we get to the warehouse."

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