Chapter 1:Battle of Utapau

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(0BBU) (0 years before battle of Utapau)

Obi wan and Boga crept along the beams above the separatist council and the new leader of the separatist. General Grevious. He watched intently as they talked amongst themselves.

"It is a volcanic planet you will be safe there" the General paced past all of the separatist council he wore his black cape which covered most of his body he had dark orange reptilian eyes as he stared at each member of the council.

"Safe? Chancellor Palpatine managed to escape your grip, general, without Count Dooku I have doubts about your ability to keep us safe" Nute Gunray stood up as he shouted at the Kaleesh but his words had no effect on the general he was completely unphased.

"Be thankful viceroy, that you have not found yourself in my grip, your ship is waiting" he growled as he walked away from the council and towards his magna guards. The cyborgs words forced fear into the Gunray's mind, he was more terrified by the general then he was by the republic. The council headed towards the ship that Grevious had prepared while Obi wan hopped off Boga his cloak covering his face in shadow he saw that Grevious stood beside his magna guards and Obi wan slowly stroked his chin. He was planning his next choice of action and he had one he knew the general wanted to kill Obi wan more then any other Jedi in the entire republic and possibly the entire galaxy so Obi wan would give the general what he wanted he would go straight to him.

The Jedi general dropped his light brown cloak and jumped down landing behind the Jedi killer with a line that Grevious said to him 3 years ago on the malevolence.

"Hello there"

Immediately the magna guards turned igniting their electro staffs with a bright purple exploding out of them Obi wan heard the the battle droids, super battle droid's and droidcas move in from all around them. Slowly the leader of the separatists turned to face his foe once and for all "Ahh General Kenobi, you are a bold one" Grevious hissed facing the Jedi master with excitement building up inside of him ready for a fight.

"Kill him" the general barked as his magna guards marched towards the Jedi while he did want to kill Obi wan he didn't want to loose the fight so he made sure that Obi wan would be weak for their confrontation. Obi wan got into a Soresu to face the droids as they readied their weapons but before Obi wan even needed to land a strike he noticed above the droids was a beam which looked heavy enough to crush the droids. He used the forced and broke the beam off sending it falling down onto the magna guards once they had realised what was happening it was too late with the beam crushing 3 of them and knocking over the other which managed to free his leg from under the beam and hurried for his staff once he had picked it up he turned to face the Jedi who simply decapitated the droid without even trying.

Grevious was impressed by Obi wan he hadn't expected it to end so quickly. The droids moved in all blasters and weapons pointed towards Kenobi but it didn't phase him he just walked towards the cyborg staring him dead in the eyes. "Back away" Grevious barked for once he wanted a fair fight to show he is the true warrior out of the 2 "I will deal with this Jedi slime myself" he growled as he stood tall and looked down upon the enemy he has wanted to kill Kenobi ever since he escaped his grasp on the Malevolence finally he will gut Kenobi like the worthless filth that he is. "Your move" Obi wan spoke sternly as he mentally prepared himself for this battle the battle he knew it would end in the others death.

"You fool, I've been trained in your Jedi arts by Count Dooku" Grevious spat as he pushed the cape towards his shoulders and once it gets there he just shakes it off revealing his cybernetic body underneath. He coughs as he extends his 4 arms and ignites his mixture of blue and green blades he spins them around and lowers himself slightly as all his blades point at the Jedi master "attack Kenobi" he growled at the 212th general and all Obi wan did was smirk and get into a form 3 stance. Grevious lowers himself even more as he begins to spin his top 2 blades as they hit the floor leaving lightsaber marks on the floor he cackles as he performs the move a move which surprised Obi wan. The droids watched as Grevious towered over his enemy and marched forward cackling as he does Obi wan backs up onto a thin bridge where their duel will begin.

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