Chapter 24

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Walking into the living room, Toni silently watched Karrueche laying on the couch while watching re-runs of My Wife And Kids. Taking a deep breath, she slowly walked over her. "Karrueche Tran Edmonds." She said before joining her on the couch. "'Wassup?" She said in a more deeper tone.

Karrueche glared at her mother in confusion. Her face was blunt as her eyes widened in shock. "Uh, ma', stop. That's weird. Get to the point." She mumbled, slowly drifting her eyes back to the television.

"Fine. Tell me how this whole Bry-" A loud screech interrupted Toni's demand as it turned into a high pitched laugh. Annoyed by what Karrueche had just done, Toni smacked her lips together for composure while slowly shaking her head.

Looking back at Toni, Karrueche innocently smiled as she prepared herself to speak. "I'm sorry, what were you saying?" She asked, softening her tone.

"Before I was rudely interrupted, I was saying tell me how this whole-" Toni instantly stopped as Karrueche trailed her focus back to the television, as if she knew what her next action would be, she quickly grabbed the remote control from the coffee table and turned off the television, catching Karrueche, who already had her mouth agape to laugh, off guard, but no sound was released from her laugh as the television was now off. She sealed her lips together before turning towards Toni with raised eyebrows.

"Now don't test me little girl. I know I'm not about to repeat myself because your ass knows what I was about to say, now talk." Toni demanded in a little harsh tone as Karrueche sighed.

"Mommy... can we not talk about this?"

"It's not really up for discussion Karrueche, I just wanna know what happened? What, were you sexually frustrated? What happened?" Toni asked in a more casual tone.

Karrueche chewed on her inner left cheek as she opened her mouth to speak, but closed it again not finding the exact words to say. "I guess... this whole Chris thing had my mind mixed up... so I just needed something to help me get everything off my mind."

"I see. So you decided to use Bryson since he was just there looking all sexy and decorative?" Toni trailed off, in a more rhetorical way.

Karrueche gasped at Toni's rhetorical question, "Ma! You're not helping."

Toni apologised as she tried holding back her smile from being amused. "Brys and I... we just got caught up in the sexual tension... after our first time doing it, we vowed to never do it again, but it seemed so difficult... so it just ended up being a constant thing, it was like a fix sort of thing." Karrueche finished off, in a more dissapointed tone. The more she spoke out loud, the more she realized how wrong it was. Here she was, talking about sleeping with someone who would be labeled as her brother. It was all so wrong.

Toni sighed, seeing the change in Karrueche's face. It had no type of contrast, it looked pale and dry.

"Although we both know that this whole relationship ya'll had going on was wrong, you guys didn't develop any type of feelings that's got to do with something deeper?" She slowly asked, as if she were trying to make sure her words were flowing in the correct path inside Karrueche's head.

Karrueche vigorously shook her head in disagreement as she her eyes widened in surprise. "No mommy, nothing like that. It was all no strings attached."

Toni slowly nodded her head in understanding, trying her best to believe that it was just that, but somehow, she didn't believe it. She had a strong bad feeling that déjà vu would be to occur sooner or later, but she couldn't mention that, she didn't want to cause anymore awkwardness. Clearing her throat, "Well, that's all I needed to hear." Toni shot Karrueche a warm smile as Karrueche did the same.

Toni and Kenny walked into their house which was awfully quiet. Toni placed her bag down on the table as Kenny placed the keys down on it as well. Toni and Kenny looked around, creating some tension between them. Silence filled the atmosphere around them. Toni bit the inside of her left cheek.

"What did I do? Karrueche slept with Bryson. Why are you angry at me?" Toni blurted out.

"I'm not angry at you. I just need some time to adjust to this situation."

"She said that no feelings were attached-"

"That's what I'm mad about-"

"Did you want feelings to be attached?" Toni asked a little confused, "no." Kenny sighed shaking his head.

"I always taught her, if a guy really loves you and you really love him, than you may go for that opportunity, but always make sure he's the right guy. What makes me so angry is that, she went and always did the complete opposite. Am I not a good father?" Kenny questioned, Toni frowned as she saw the tears in his eyes.


"No don't answer that." He said turning around and walking away.

She quickly wiped away the tears that fell from her eyes. Toni pulled herself together and walked into the kitchen.

Toni walked into their bedroom with a white medium sized box in her hands. She climbed into their bed sitting up beside him. He was writing a few songs on his MacBook.

"Ken." She said, "yes." He said with his attention still on his MacBook.

Toni sighed as she placed the box on her nightstand before wrapping her arms around his shoulders slightly closing his MacBook. Kenny sighed facing at her.

"You're an amazing father. You did a great job at raising our daughters. You still are doing an amazing job. You're a champ when it comes to fatherhood, if I could I would give you more kids. But I can't, trust me I would have. Don't you ever question that. Our daughters are grown and doing what makes them happy, you're the most important man in our lives. Well except when the baby comes. But still, you're their hero, when they look for their future husbands they're looking for someone like you. The reason they haven't settled down, is because they cannot find a man that's even close to being as great as you are. I love you, the girls love, your fans love you, our family loves you. Don't let me ever hear you say, you're not a great father. Because you are. I didn't put up with your ass for 30 years just for nothing." Toni said kissing his cheek.

Kenny smiled as he pulled her into a hug.

"You always know how to somehow make me feel better."

"That's my job, after all I did learn from the best." Toni smiled before they kissed. "I brought you donuts."

"Oh! My favourite." He squealed as Toni laughed opening the box for them.

Kenny turned on a movie and the two stayed in their bed the whole afternoon.

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