Chapter 25

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"This way girls. Okay everyone take your positions." Toni said causing everyone to go stand where they would be hiding.

"Today my husband turns 61- oh Lord did I just say that out loud?" Toni rhetorically asked herself as she placed her hand over her heart.

Everyone laughed as she chuckled lightly. A light horn went off outside causing Toni to panic.

"Okay he's here!" She shouted, "hide everyone!" She yelled running to her position.

The front door opened and in came Kenny. He hung his jacket up and his keys as well. The house was dark, he switched on the light and out popped everyone.

"Surprise!" Everyone shouted as they blew whistles and threw him with confetti.

"Happy birthday Babyface!"

"Now didn't I tell y'all that Kenny and Babyface are two different people." Toni said as everyone sighed.

"Happy birthday Kenny!" They all shouted in unison. "Happy birthday dad." The girls smiled hugging him.

He smiled wrapping his arms around them as well.

" Thank you everyone." He said smiling. "It's means alot to me to know that Toni finally threw me a surprise party after she ruined the other 5 that she tried to throw for me." Kenny said causing everyone to laugh.

"Oh hush boy." Toni chuckled pushing at his shoulders. "Happy birthday daddy." Toni innocently smiled, she wrapped her arms around him as he did the same to her.

"Mmm... the only time you ever say that around people is when you're about to give me a little show tonight." Kenny whispered in her ear, pretending to smell her hair.

"Anything for the birthday boy, I'll even do that thing you like with the fruit rollups and the ic-" Kenny cut Toni off as he watched Evelyn walk towards them.

"Thank you my wife. I appreciate this little surprise party you went out your way to throw for me." Kenny smiled pecking her lips.


"Happy birthday son." Mama Evelyn said, "Thank you ma." He said hugging her.

"Oh." Toni mouthed as Kenny nodded.

"How does 61 feel?" Evelyn asked, "ma please, don't say that odd number out loud." Kenny said causing Evelyn to laugh.

"Everyone join us in the backyard for dinner." Toni said as everyone walked out.

Dinner took place, everyone said a lovely speech, Evelyn prayed and Toni finally spoke.

"To my soulmate, best friend and husband, we go way back." Toni sang raising her glass. "I just want to tell you that I love you and appreciate you and that you are an amazing father and husband to me and the girls, and that the stuff you do never goes unnoticed. Happy birthday daddy!" Toni shouted as the girls scrunched their faces up in disgust.

"Someone's gonna have a good time tonight." Usher loudly said.

Everyone laughed.

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