Chapter 44

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"Ma..." Karrueche shook her head in disbelief, she didn't actually think that Toni would admit to it.

"But it wasn't like that-"

"Than how huh?!"

Toni swallowed her saliva and let out a sigh, "your sister was autistic." Toni and Kenny said in unison.

"Excuse me?" Rihanna raised her eyebrows as Karrueche frowned.

"I was catering to the needs of my autistic child. You were perfectly fine Karrueche, you didn't need that much attention. I felt guilty that's why I spent more time with Robyn..." Toni chewed her lip.

"Why have you guys never told me this?" Rihanna groaned.

"Because I didn't want you to look at me differently, like I did something wrong because that's how I looked at myself." Toni let out a shaky breathe.

"I had an abortion when I was 19 and when I found out about your autism I blamed myself, I thought God was punishing me for having had an abortion and I felt guilty and that guilt never left me so I put all my time and energy into catering to you, making sure you felt loved, going with you to all your appointments- that's why I was never able to be there for you, at your events. I'm sorry if it came off as me not wanting a bond, I've always wanted a bond with you but you and your father grew so close I thought you didn't need that mother and daughter bond."

Karrueche bit her lip feeling guilty for having brought it up.

"I guess I was wrong, I should've been there for you as well. I'm so sorry Kae. You know I love you more than anything in this world, I'd give my life for you girls." Toni sighed.

"I'm sorry. I- I didn't- I didn't know." Karrueche lowly said dropping her head in embarrassment.

"Its not your fault. None of you did." Kenny said rubbing Toni's back.

"This is why I didn't want you to get an abortion Robyn, I didn't want you to go through the same pain that I did. I'd never want either one of you to experience that." Toni said.

Karrueche looked over at Rihanna.

"Ma..." Rihanna let out a breathe walking around wrapping her arms around her shoulders kissing her cheek. "I love you too." Rihanna said resting her head down on Toni's shoulder.

"I'm sorry." Karrueche cried.

Toni held her arms open making Karrueche chuckle and wipe away her tears wrapping her arms around Toni. Kenny smiled.

"I'm also sorry, I don't wish that you'd die. I love you." Karrueche said rubbing Rihanna's arm.

"It's okay. I'm also sorry I didn't tell you sooner, mom warned me about this." Rihanna groaned.

"Mommy's always right." Karrueche chuckled.

"Yeah that's very true..." Kenny mumbled before he cut himself another slice of cake.

"We're good?"

"We're good." Karrueche giggled.

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