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Seeing Rose yesterday relieved abit of the explosive in my brain.Everything I told her helped me understand what I needed to do and what I was going to decide.So I have decided that I'm.......going to go.I thought about it alot last night and finally came to the decision.

I pushed all the things that could go wrong and all the things that could hurt me aside and thought this will be the only time I could probably get the answers I've wanted from my dad.Why he left? What happened between him and mum.Maybe thats not the only reason but for now I'm going to go with wanting answers.Ok maybe I'm also curious about what he looks like,what his name is.Mum made sure I never knew anything about him.She didnt know about the letters,to busy in her own world to notice.

I have to find something to wear.Crape.I cant go and look today I'm working the late shift.Shit.What am I supposed to wear? The weddings twomorrow.


Yay! Shes going! Haha comment:) oh n vote i dont think I've said that....but yeah xx

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