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(Sorry for not editing the chapters I was honestly too lazy!! So sorry if some of it doesnt make sense,I'll edit them before I publish them from now on xx)


Everything just went downhill so fast.I'm still shocked about what zayn did,How Zayn and louis knew eachother.I never thought zayn could be so inconsiderate and selfish.He only wanted one thing and it sure as hell wasnt her love.Maybe I'm being harsh? Or maybe I'm not? As his best friend was I supposed to take his side? or was I supposed to be angry at him and tell him we aren't friends anymore?

I dont feel like I have to take his side and I definitly dont feel like ending our friendship. So what do I do? Just wait a few days to past then talk to him? At the time I said that I needed time to think, to clear my head because I haven't had this much happen in my life since Rose. For the first time, I didnt want to see him. I wanted him to leave. He told me what kind of person he was when he wasnt around me and I don't like this side.

I knew he was a one night stand guy,like I said before but I never thought too deep into it until now.I cant imagine how louis felt when he found out.But what disgusted me was that his girlfriend penelope didnt even reject zayn.She didnt have anything to blame it on because she wasnt intoxicated so she knew exactly what she was doing.

The pain louis must of went through mustve been like someone just grabbed your heart and squeezed the life out of it.This is why I could never be in a relationship with zayn or any guy.The thought of feeling that pain I felt and still feel to this day from when rose died is the reason why I can't date.I'm mentally unstable.If someone was to break my heart I would be broken and no one would be able to mend me,not even zayn.

You could say I'm exaggerating and you must be thinking you have never dated so how do you know?

Its the thought of it that scares me.I may not have experience in the dating area but I know enough to know a relationship isn't right for me.

* * *

"Are you new around here?"I look up to a see red head,like that red-head girl that was on zayns lap a week ago.They look oddly the same.I wonder if theyre related?

"Yeah I am"His smile widens.

"Well your better than that curly-hair dude"I laugh.Harry mustve been that shit.

"Thanks"He hands me his member ship card.I scan it and hand it back to him.

"Whats your name?"I'm not really comfortable when guys ask for my name.But maybe if I tell him he can leave me alone.

"Deen"He nods.

"So I'm having a party at my house tonight you should come"He writes down the address on the notepad that sits on my counter before I could decline him.

"A party that sounds great,where?"Louis says out of breath,running from somewhere.

"My house,I writ down the address.Bring your mates and deen."He winks at me.My face scrunches up as soon as hes out of site.

"Didnt like him?"Louis asks.

"No,It happened so fast I couldnt tell him no"

"So are you going to go?"I shake my head.

"Me going to a party? No way"I hate how partys are full of drunk people,vomit and loud music.Its not very pleasant to me,to most they would instantly find it fun.I don't.

"I'm going,I need a night out"Louis mutters.My eyes soften.

"I'm sorry louis,if I knew I-"

"No its ok,you didnt know"He says with a small shrug.

"Can we just put it behind us? Because I have-well trying to.But come on,come to this party,You look like you could use a night out.What do you say?"I shake my head again.

"It's not my thing"

"Come on! Your young! Live alittle.I'm sure the boys would want to tag along too so we'll be there.For me,deen.Please"He pleads,pouting his lips.

I can't believe I'm even considering this.But I'm sure it wont be that bad.right?

"Fine"Louis jumps up in victory.

Lets hope that at this party,Im not the girl that gets drunk for the first time,then finds a guy and you know what happens after that.I am not going to let that happen.


What do you thinks going to happen? Comment:) xx

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