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Two-minute noodles is what I live on.I'm just too lazy to make anything else so I've adapted to noodles.It saves me alot of money especially since rent just went up so those new shoes I need are not going to be bought for awhile.I'm enjoying my meal when someone starts knocking really hard and fast.What the?

"I'm coming!"I place down my fork and lazily walk to the door.Who could be at my doorstep at 8 at night?

"Zayn?"My eyes widen in surprise.

"Where have you been?"He says,pulling me into a hug.Ok...I pat his back since I'm sort of in a awquard position.

"Zayn you can let go now"He slowly lets go but keeps his hands on my shoulders.

"Where have you been?"He repeats with a softer tone.I can smell the alcohol instantly as his breath hits my face.

"You've been drinking"I move back abit.

"God dammit! Just answer the question! Where have you been!"He shouts causing me to stumble back in shock.

"Shit-Deen I'm sorry"He apologises,reaching for me but I step back.

"You can't come in here and demand things from me,zayn.What are you doing here?"I demand quietly.

"You were gone....I-I didn't know where you were. if you were.....dead..I-I-didn't know"Something in me whipes away how he yelled at me when he had no right.I can see now that he thought I was dead.I can see how worried and how scared he was.

"Hey I'm here ok? Look I'm right infront of you"I say,combing his hair back.He locks his arms around my waist like I'm going to run away or dissapear.I instantly feel guilty for not telling him.

"Come on,I'll tell you everything"I say guiding him to the couch.

*  *  *

I told him everything.He sat there listening intently while stroking the palm of my hand.It felt good to tell him everything.It was like old times.I talk and he listens.

"I'm just relieved your ok and alive"He mumbles into my shoulder.For a moment my heart picks up a beat.Did-

"I'm sorry I didnt tell you"I say quickly,trying to take my mind of my heart rate picking up.Thats never happened before....

"No we werent on talking terms so I had no right to come here and yell at you.If anyone should be sorry its me"Theres the zayn I know.Sweet and understanding.But I know we have to sort out what happened between us.Thats going to be sorted tonight.

"Zayn"He looks up and I can tell he's tired.

"We need to talk"He sits up realising my serious tone.



Zayns back!! Yay!

Ok so I'm like half way sort of through this book and I'm hopping whoever is reading this is liking it so far! I know this is the longest authors note I've written but I just wanted to check and see how it was going:) To anyone whos reading this you are very kind and AWESOME!! I'm back to school soon,sadly but I hope everyone enjoys the rest of their holidays!!! Comment and vote:)

Getycer xx

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