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"You know him? Dont you?" I can feel the anger radiating from him, the sweat no longer present on his pale skin.

"Yes. Zayn's an old friend" A friend? Zayn doesn't even know about Louis or the others. My brain starts to remember any of the times Zayn had possibly mentioned Louis. There's nothing, but obviously something that's happened between them and I'm worried about what Louis will say. Zayn is not a saint which worries me even more.

"So why does it look like you want to kill him?" I ask quietly.

"Because-it's just complicated and messed up so just don't worry about it" He angrily says, storming past me and almost knocking me over.

"Hey Deen someone's here to see you" Niall calls out. His facials shift from neutral to confused from the probably already evident tension and Louis' state. This whole scene looks out of balance just by looking at us. I'm lost and confused while Louis is fuming with anger about my Best Friend.

"Louis mate, are you alright?" Louis just shakes his head. It pains me to see him act this way, especially if it involves Zayn. I don't know what he's done but I plan on finding out.

"Who is it?" No one knows I work here. Except-

"Some guy saying he knows you? Tattooed head to toe? He your....boyfriend?" He's not here. Oh gosh he's not here. What is he doing here? Why is here? What is happening right now? I need to talk to Louis but he's gone off somewhere and Zayn is here. Could his timing be more convenient?

"Yeah I know him and No he's not" I tell him as he I follow him out to the frontdoor.

There he stands, like he has no care in the world. One smoke in his hand and the other in his jacket pocket.

"You know this guy?" Niall whispers.

"Yeah" My eyes still on him.

"Well I'll leave you to it then" Niall says, sensing the tension between me and zayn. I open the door but he's still unaware that I'm a few feet away from him.

"What are you doing here?" He finally looks my way with his hazel brown eyes locking with my dark ones.

"Do you hate me?" He ignores my question. I never get a straight answer from him, he always seems to get an answer out of me even though I asked him a question first. But not today.

"You haven't answered my question" My voice probably the most stern its ever been towards him.

"And you havent answered mine" He shoots back.

"Look if your not going to answer my simple question then I'm not answering yours" I fold my arms as a cold breeze passes.

"Why are you being so difficult?" Me? Difficult? Please.

"Your being difficult Zayn! I asked you a simple question that you can't even answer! So tell me zayn what are you doing here?" He throws his smoke to the ground in frustration.

"Fuck! I came here to apologise ok!" He shouts, making me stagger back, shocked at his outburst.

"You should leave" Louis spits, lightly pushing me behind him. For a second Zayn's eyes widen but immediately change to cold.

"You don't tell me what to do" He says coldly, standing an inch from Louis's face. I'm shocked at
Zayn's outburst, actually about everything.

"You haven't changed have you?" Louis steps closer to Zayn, making them almost touching. Since they're the same height, none of them is towering over each other.

"Louis. Stop" Louis gives him one more hard stare before turning around to me.

"I'll be inside" His eyes soften abit, as he passes me.

"How do you know louis?" He breathes out a long breath.

"What's with all the questions? Since when did you become so inquisitive?" He leans on the wall, grabbing another smoke from the inside of his jacket.

"All the questions? I only asked you two questions! And you can't even answer the first one!" My anger towards Zayn has never been so high until today.

"If you can't answer my two questions then leave because honestly Zayn, I cant do this right now. This isn't the time or place" He lights the smoke and takes a puff.

"This, When did we argue?" He asks, sounding defeated.

"We never did until you said that I should stop helping my mum. I told you she's my only family I have which is why we started arguing in the first place" My voice also sounding defeated.

This is new for me and Zayn. I'm hopping this will be the only fight I have with him but something tells me this is just the beginning.

"I didnt mean for all this to happen" He says quietly. I sigh and walk over to him, grabbing his smoke and chucking it away. His hands grab my own.

"Can we talk twomorrow, properly? Just you and me" I lean my head against his, my eyes looking down at our hands.

"And you'll tell me how you know louis?" He nods.

"Everything, Just tell me, do you hate me?" He promises.

"No, I could never hate you" I whisper.


Ohh how does Louis know Zayn??? Comment:) xx

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