We meet again

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Fourteen years later

I look up at the sky from the hotel in Saint Denis that I've been staying in. The sun beams down onto the hot pavement. I can hear the chattering of the many people in the city, a city I've learned isn't so bad once you get used to it.

I walk back inside my room, beautifully decorated with a theme of red and black. My journal catches my eyes, laying on the nightstand right next to the bed.

I grab the journal and quickly look through the pages, filled with passages of my feelings and adventures of the last fourteen years.

I write,

I cant believe its been fourteen years since I left the Van Der Linde gang, how time passes by, but I feel it was the right thing to do. I was only a burden, and plus, although me and Arthur had our moments.. he loved Mary, and I have a feeling he always will. It's a real good thing that damn hotel owner didn't blab! I paid him good money. I hope I never run into them, but I'm afraid I may...

I'll be fine here for now, although I have been thinking about moving from here to Valentine, I don't like being in one place for too long for I fear that the law will find me or..

I draw a little bird next to what I wrote and close my journal and get dressed.

I put on jeans, plaid shirt and coat, and lastly my boots. I take a quick look in the mirror, fixing my H/C hair a bit, and walk out.

I walk down the stairs, waving hi to the people that pass by me as I walk and greet the hotel owner before walking out.

"Where you going off to Y/N?" He asked before I stepped outside.

"I'm gonna go check out Valentine, save my room, would you?" I said before walking out of the hotel and making my way to Hazel.

I took a look at my horse and ran up to her, giving her a hug by wrapping my arms around her neck.

This horse is the closest thing I've got to family. She's been with me since I left Dutch's gang, and so much more. Although Hazels gotten older, she's still in great shape, over the years I've tried to make her my number one priority, not like there's anyone else I have to care for other than myself.

"Hey there, Hazel! Wanna carrot?" She nods her head up and down and I give her the carrot before saddling on and riding off to Valentine.

On the way I saw a lady trying to get to Valentine so I decided to give her a ride. When I arrived there she gave me 20 dollars and walked off. That'll be good to buy dinner with for about a week.

"Alright Hazel, I'm gonna go to the saloon I'll be back." I say as I give her an apple to munch on while I'm gone.

As I walk into the saloon I hang my coat up and order a beer. A man walks over and takes the spot next to me, I can already smell the liquor wreaking from him. Should've known there'd be some drunks since the sun is already setting.

"Hey there little lady, what's a pretty thang like you doin' all alone?" He said with a drunken smile.

"Tryin' to ignore you." I moved away from him but he scooted closer to me. His breath wreaked of alcohol.

WAS IT WORTH IT ↛ ARTHUR MORGAN [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now