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"You kissed John?" My mouth gaped open, I turned to John who had a blank expression.

"What.. Where did you-"

Arthur cut me off, "Micah told me, thought he was lying but from your reaction, guess he's telling the truth for once." Arthur hung his head in disappointment.

"Micah didn't tell the whole truth, I kissed her." John butted in. Arthur and John both got off their horses and walked in front of each other.

"You kissed my woman?" Arthur had a sour expression on his face.

I hopped off my horse and stood in between the two of them. "Arthur, we figured it out. It's fine now." I turned to him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"It ain't fine! You say that I should be able to talk to you but you can't talk to me?" His eyes were full of hurt. I took my hand from his shoulder and hung it at my side.

"I didn't wanna tell you because I knew you'd act like this!" I crossed my arms and tensed my shoulders.

"What the hell am I supposed to act like? Should I be completely fine with the fact he kissed you?" Arthur snapped at me, making me tear up.

"Arthur, back off of her, it ain't her fault." John grabbed his shoulder and pushed him away from me.

"You're right, Marston. It's your fault!" Arthur pushed John to the ground.

"What the hell, Morgan!" He got up from the ground and pushed Arthur back, making him stumble backwards.

Arthur caught himself and threw a punch at John, his fist landing square in Johns face, blood trickled from his cheek. John quickly recovered and kicked him in the stomach.

"Can you idiots stop fighting!" I shouted to the both of them but they kept throwing punches at each other.

I unholstered my revolver and aimed it at the sky, pulling the trigger. Their heads shot over to face me, they froze in their place with wide eyes.

"I'm tired of you guys always fighting! If this is how y'all are gonna act, I'm gonna be the bigger person and leave." I turned my back away from them and started walking to my horse. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and spin me around.

"Where are you goin'?" Arthur looked at me, his brows furrowed.

"Away from here, I'm sorry. I can't stand you two fighting." Arthur gripped my shoulder tighter.

"What do you mean, your leaving me?" He narrowed his eyes, I looked over at John who had a frustrated expression.

"Yeah, I guess so." I turned away from him and lifted my self up into my saddle.

"I thought.. I thought we were gonna be forever." Arthur's words broke me, but despite the ache in my chest I grabbed the reins and rode off.

Third Person POV

"This is your damn fault, Marston!" Arthur walked over to John, clenching his fist.

"You're the one who started the fight in the first place! Me and Y/N already figured it out but you just had to complain about it." John rolled his eyes and crossed his arms over his chest.

"Shut up, John." He aggressively ran his fingers through his hair. "Are you gonna go after her with me?"

"Think it's best you go alone. Your woman, not mine." John threw his hands in the air and walked to his horse.

WAS IT WORTH IT ↛ ARTHUR MORGAN [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now