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|| Third Person ||

When they all got back to camp, Y/N ignored everyone and ran to her tent.

"What happened?" Susan walked up to Arthur, a concerned look on her face.

"Them bounty hunters did.. bad stuff to her." Arthur clenched his fist, his face turning red from anger.

"I'll go talk to h-"

Arthur grabbed Miss Grimshaw, stopping her from going to Y/N's tent. "I'll go." Miss Grimshaw nodded and went to grab a beer.

Arthur slowly opened the flap of Y/N's tent, revealing the girl trembling on her cot, wrapped in Arthur's coat. She backed into the corner as Arthur stepped into the tent.

"Y/N, I ain't gonna hurt you." Fear crossed her face, backing father away from the man. She wrapped the jacket tighter around her, as if it was a shield. "Hey, it's me." Arthur gave her a comforting smile, holding his arms out.

A tear fell from Y/N's eye, rolling down her cheek and falling onto the jacket. Arthur's heart broke as more tears followed after that one. She hid her face under the jacket as she bawled her eyes out. Arthur sighed, realizing that if he went to comfort her, she wouldn't react well and just standing there watching her cry broke him. He opened the flap of the tent, beginning to walk out.

"Wait! Please don't go." Y/N spoke, her voice breaking. Arthur turned back around, seeing the sad look in her eyes. He walked up to her, climbing on the cot and wrapping his arms around her. She was cautious at first but soon relaxed and ended up falling asleep in his arms.

Arthur drew in his journal as Y/N laid with him. He drew her face as she slept, making it look as detailed as possible. Arthur soon ended up falling asleep with her.


Y/N stirred awake, looking up to see Arthur sleeping. She was still traumatized from what had happened yesterday but felt comfort in Arthur's presence. She only sat there until the man finally woke up, smiling down at Y/N.

"You doin' alright?" He asked with a tired voice.

"I think so." Y/N answered him, her voice shaking a bit.

Arthur placed a gentle kiss on her forehead before getting up from the cot.

"Arthur, we gotta go!" Dutch burst into the tent, making Y/N flinch.

"Chill out, Dutch. What's goin' on?" Arthur asked, slightly stepping in front of Y/N as she stared at the floor.

"Eagle Flies wants us to fight with him, and we are. Is she comin'?" Dutch spoke with a calm voice, trying not to startle Y/N.

"No." Arthur placed a kiss on Y/N's cheek before riding off with Dutch.

Y/N got up and changed into a white shirt and black jeans, she decided to wear Arthur's jacket as well. She got back into her cot, grabbing a book that Tilly loaned to her and started reading it.

"Y/N?" John walked into the tent, a concerned expression on his face. Y/N moved away from
him. "Nobody's gonna hurt you anymore, I promise." Y/N tensed as John walked closer to her. He stopped in his tracks seeing the fear on her face. "I ain't gonna hurt you, it's alright." John slowly placed his hand on her shoulder, she flinched at his touch but soon calmed when she saw the caring look in his eyes.

John wrapped his arms around her, she hesitated to hug him but did. They sat there for a second, hugging each other. John broke the hug, looking down at Y/N.

"It was horrible, John." A tear fell down her cheek, sadness filling her eyes.

"It's okay now."


A week had passed and Y/N was slowly but surely recovering from the event. She still flinched when somebody would walk over to her or reach a beer to her. She did her best to keep the thought in the back of her mind, trying to get back to her normal routine.

"Hey, darl'." Arthur walked up to Y/N as she was doing some chores.

"Hi." Y/N looked over at him, a smile on her face. She quickly turned back to her chores.

"Are you-" Arthur was cut off by a dry cough that made Y/N's heart ache. The man was getting worse everyday. "Are you goin' to rob the train with us?" Arthur cleared his throat, wiping the blood from his mouth.

"No, I think I'll stay here and do some work." Y/N said, hanging up some laundry.

"Fine with me." Arthur laughed, leaning against a tree.

"Please be careful!" Y/N demanded, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"I will, darlin'." Arthur pushed himself from the tree and rode off with Dutch and the others.

Y/N walked over to Abigail who was leaning against a tree, drinking a cup of coffee. "Hey."

"Hi, Y/N! How you holdin' up?" Abigail asked, turning to her.

"I'm fine." Y/N responded, a small smile on her face. "How's Jack?"

"He's doin' great, despite the chaos surrounding him." Abigail threw the coffee into the dirt. "I'm actually gonna go check on him."

Y/N nodded, walking away from Abigail. She decided to go on a walk, seeing that it was so nice out.

Y/N stopped for a second by a river, just as she was turning around to walk back to camp, she felt someone grab her from behind and knock her out.


Y/N woke up in a unfamiliar place, ties binding her wrists and ankles. She frantically looked around the area, seeing Abigail still passed out in a corner.

"Awake Miss L/N?" Agent Milton appeared from the other room, a smirk on his face. "We finally caught you, after all these years."

Despite the fear Y/N felt, she kept her composure. She wasn't the type to show fear so easily. "What do you want?"

"I want you and your gang to rot in hell." Milton spat, glaring at Y/N.

"Leave them alone and take me in." Y/N spoke, trying to stay calm as Agent Milton kneeled down to face her.

"I gave you plenty of chances, Y/N." Milton chuckled, glancing over at Abigail. "Now you're all gonna hang."

"Take me in their place, Milton. C'mon, you're a reasonable man!" The last thing Y/N wanted was for the whole gang to be hung, it would be better for it to just be her.

"You want me to let the rest of your gang go and just take you?" Agent Milton asked, taking off his hat to scratch his head.

"Yes." Y/N gave him a insisting look, hoping he would take her offer. "Come on Milton, after all these years you finally got me. You really gonna let me go?"

Agent Milton thought for a minute. I looked at Abigail who was staring with wide eyes, shaking her head, no.

"You've got a deal." Milton glanced over at Abigail, her mouth gaped open. "Let her go." Milton motioned for one of his men to let her go. He untied her and helped her to her feet.

"Don't do this, Y/N." Abigail said as the Pinkerton walked her to the door. Y/N only smiled at her as she was thrown out the door. The Pinkerton slammed the door closed and locked it.

"I don't want any funny business." Milton said, lighting a cigar and walking into another room with the Pinkerton.

Once they were gone, that's when fear took control of Y/N, as she came to reality with the fact that her life would be over soon.


Sorry for the short chapter, I'll try to make the next one longer!

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