Eleanor Schuu

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Me and Arthur approached Micah and Bill on the porch of the Van Horn Trading Post. Micah sat up from the steps of the porch and made his way to Arthur.

"Hello, black lung." Micah snickered, Bill gripped his rifle and stood next to Micah.

"Could you stop callin' him that." I gave him a demanding look, only getting a small chuckle from the man.

"Why'd you bring this flower along?" Micah reaches over to run his fingers through my hair but I quickly slapped his hand away.

"Don't touch me." I snapped at him, Micah chuckled once again.

"Ya know, you won't be sayin' that when I-" Arthur punched Micah square in the jaw before he could finish his sentence, causing him to fall back. "Son of a.." Micah pressed his hand to his bleeding cheek. "You'll pay for that!" Micah yelled as he ran to his horse and rode off.

"What the hell, Arthur!" Bill raised his hands in the air, annoyance clear on his face.

"What's the plan, Bill." Arthur said, completely blocking out what had just happened.

Bill sighed. "We're robbing a wagon with dynamite on it for that train job, just follow my lead, Y/N go behind that crate, Arthur go cover us in that building." We all went to our designated spots and waited for the wagon to come.

We heard it riding in and Bill put on the act of some drunk. He was able to stop the wagon and when he got their attention, we started shooting, catching them by surprise. Some law came riding in, we shot them all down and got on the wagon. I sat in the back.

Shooting down some more law, we finally got away.

"Well that was fun!" I laid back, putting my feet up on the seat across from me.

"Oh yeah, almost dying is fun to you!" Bill shouted at me.

I laughed. "Take a joke, Bill." I rolled my eyes and looked at the scenery around us.

"Well you guys did good." Micah said, riding up to us. I ignored him and tipped my hat down. "Arthur I need you to go meet John at Bacchus Bridge to set up the dynamite."

"You need him to meet John? You think your the boss or somethin'." I scoffed and gave Micah a dirty look.

"Have some respect, Y/N." Micah shouted at me, getting a death stare from Arthur. He moved his horse up next to Arthur and whispered something to him.

"Alright, Micah. Just go." Arthur said, a few coughs escaping his throat.

Bill stopped the wagon, mounting his horse and riding off with Micah. I climbed in the front and leaned on Arthur's shoulder.

"You needa learn to keep your thoughts to yourself." Arthur said, jokingly. He lightly nudged my side, grabbing the reins and heading to camp.

"I can't help it! That snake thinks he can just boss everyone around and do what he wants!" I threw my hands in the air in complete annoyance. I leaned back against the seat of the wagon. The rest of the trip was quiet.

WAS IT WORTH IT ↛ ARTHUR MORGAN [EDITING]Where stories live. Discover now