✨Chapter 7✨

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I was shocked,stunned,with no idea what to do.Why the frick was he telling me that he was going on a date?Why do I even need to know?

Can I facetime you?

I see another message come through.It takes me a moment to realise what he's asking but when I do.I panic completely.

Letting out a squeal in excitement,I run into the livingroom hoping for some help from the girls.

"Don't kill me,but I was messaging Payton and now he wants to facetime and I don't know what to do" I say,all at once letting out a deep breath when I'm done

"Bitch what-" Stella says

"Yes,this is what I've been waiting for!" Emmy shouts,jumping up from the loveseat in the corner."Text him right now and say yes,but tell him to give you 15 mins,that'll give us time for you to get ready"

I quickly run back into the room,doing everything that Emmy tells me to.Once I message Payton the girls help me get ready.

We haven't done anything like this since my last date with Payton.I miss getting ready with the girls.Going on double dates with a Eli and Stella.All I want is for us to work out again,nothing more.

"Isn't this kinda dumb,you know.Getting ready for a facetime" I ask as Lara applies some makeup to my face.

She's been awfully silent since I told them that I've been talking to Payton.And it's actually quite scary,I haven't seen her this quiet since her tonsils were taken out.

"Show him what he's missing" Stella says looking up from her phone,"Too bad Eli isn't here,I would have made him sit in the back with his hood up.So that it looks like you have a guy round" she giggles at the idea.

"How is he?" Emmy asks excitedly

"Fine"I answer not wanting to tell them about the date.

"All done" Lara says,"Now call him,goodluck"

They all wish me good luck as they exit the room.Leaving just me and my thoughts.After a few moments of mentally prepping myself I finally decide to call him.

"Abi,hey"he says setting up the phone,his room is dark but the blue led lights make his facial features clearly visible.

"Hi Payton"i say holding the phone in front of me as I lay on my stomach on the bed.

"So,uhm..about this date.I just wanted to-"

"I'm happy for you." I say quickly,cutting him off,not wanting to hear the rest of the sentence

"Thanks,but I'm kinda nervous" he says scratching the back of his neck

"Don't be,you're so sweet and charming." I smile,we both go silent for a couple of minutes,"Hey,if it all goes badly send me a text and I'll call and bail you out" I laugh

"Really" he asks with a smile,I nod in response causing him to laugh lightly,"you're the best Abi"

"No,you are" I reply.

"So...do you have a boyfriend?" He asks quietly

Okay so I have a choice here,I can either tell the truth or lie to make him jealous and to make myself feel better.I know I shouldn't but I had to.

"Uh yeah,it's kind of complicated!" I laugh knowing full well that I'm lying

"Wow,that's cool" he laughs

We continue talking for a while until I eventually get tired and end the call.


"So then he tells me that he has a date" I tell Aria as we change into our outfits for the photo shoot.

"I hope you told him that you have a hot model boyfriend who earns way more than him" she says

"Yeah I told him something like that" I mumble

"Well take this as a sign to move on.I'm sure theres like a million guys in your dm's"

She isn't wrong,I do get my fair  share of messages from guys.I just never respond,I don't want another boyfriend.I don't want any guy,all I want is Payton

"I'm not taking it as a sign for anything.I'm still staying single because that's what I want" I tell her leaving the changing rooms to go to the photoshoot area.

Once the photoshoot for the brandy Melville website was over Aria and I decided to get some drinks at the mall.

"I'm gonna be in a music video.I have to wait for a date but I think it's in a coupls of days that I meet the artist" I tell her

"Omgg,I hope its someone big like Harry Styles" she says sipping on her mango smoothie.

"Bitch,I wish" I laugh,"I'd give anything to be in a Harry Styles video"

"Then maybe it's like Dixie D'amelio or a tiktoker.Whoelse would want you"

"Rude" I scoff

"Haha" she laughs,"not in that way I mean you're more known within the tiktok world"

"Right" I giggle,rolling my eyes

A/n: Heyy guys,hope you liked this update.Pls check out my latest announcement,I'll be taking a break next week,since I have a lot going on.I might update..who knows,anyways love ya!!

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