✨Chapter 23✨

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The song had finished playing leaving me stunned with tears forming in my eyes.This song was different,yeah it was upbeat and happy but the words dug deeper,they cut sharper like a knife.They bought tears to my eyes.

"I made mistakes and I regret it"

"I always let you down"

"Ever since you left trying to get you back home"

"I should have never let you go"

All those words were us,they were written about us,for us.Words couldn't begin to explain how full my heart felt.Without saying a word I put down the headphones,sniffling I let out a small broken chuckle.

"Payton it's perfect." I smile,tears rolling down my face."I know I say this about every song you write but this one"

I pause getting up from his lap ans turning to face him,straddling him I wrap my arms around his neck."This song means the world to me.It couldn't be any better.I love you endlessly"

"Does this mean I've done it?" He asks cheerfully,giving me a cheeky grin,"have I got my girl back?" He asks again.

A small smile creeps across my face,confirming his suspected answer.

"Yes" he cheers wrapping his arms around my waist and lifting me up spinning me around the room while holding me close.

"This doesn't mean I'm your girlfriend again,I just chose you over him"

"That's all I need" he laughs using one hand to tuck a stray strand of hair behind my ear."I've got something planned,I wont ask you to be my girlfriend until we're ready" he smiles

"I can't wait" I beam,gazing down into his loving eyes.

We stay there for a moment,just staring into each other's eyes,that alone was enough for me to feel completely loved again.I've never been so content in life again.

"I can't wait for the music video shoot now,tomorrow with you is going to be so fun" he smiles putting me down.

"Me neither" I giggle slipping back on my heels.Which makes me remember one thing.Tom."Payton we still have to do one last thing,I need to tell Tom"

"Just text him" he shrugs saving the file on his laptop and walking over to where I'm standing.

Wrapping his arms around my waist he lightly pushed me back onto the bed,planting small kisses onto my neck,"you're mine now" he growls,"all mine"

My heart flutters as he says this,a mixture of nerves and need over come me and I allow myself to forget reality for a few moments,focusing only on his kisses,the way his hands felt against my skin,the soft feel of his lips against mine,the short,content breaths he let out between kisses.

"Payton," he kisses my lips,"we need to-" he kisses me again,this time longer,his hands in my hair combing through them,"we need to go" I say pulling back.

"Do we have to?" He questions pouting his lips slightly.

"Yes,I'm not going to stand Tom up"

He let's out a small sigh,putting on his trainers and taking my hand leading me out the house and to his car.His hand rests on my inner thigh for the entire journey to where Tom awaits.

Payton decides to park a few meters away so Tom doesn't spot us,"do you want me to wait for you?"

"No,it's okay.I'll come right back to you after.I'm not running away anymore" I smile leaning in to kiss him.

But just like the others it was addicting,one kiss lead to two,which lead to three which lasted a while."Stop distracting me" I laugh pulling away,"I'll be back"

I jump out the car walking to where I see a singular figure standing.But my heart drops when I see him holding weeping flowers and a teddy bear.I'm an awful human being,I played Tom and now he's going to leave me,he's going to get hurt and it's all my fault.

Letting out a small breath I walk towards him,realising now that the restaurant is now closed,only now does it begin to rain,at the most inconvenient time when I'm in a top and skirt and heels,with no jacket.

"Hi Tom" I sigh walking over to him,mentally preparing myself for what I'm about to say.

"Now I see why you took an hour and a half to get ready,you look gorgeous" he smiles pulling me into a hug.

The compliments make it worse.

"So do you wanna-"

"Tom I need to say something" I sigh pulling back.

"This whole thing has made me realise something,I can't do this anymore.I don't want to lead you on and it isnt fair if I carry on being with you when my heart belongs to someone else"

His smile turns into a frown,resembling the weeping roses in his hand.I can see the disappointment but for some odd reason there's no anger detectable.

"It's okay Abi,I get it.But can I still see you,as a friend of course?" I can hear a hint of sadness in his voice,and I feel awful for it.

"Definitely,we're gonna see eachother at the music shoot anyway.Thank you for being so understanding" I smile,relieved that he isn't mad.

"You're most welcome,so can I drive you home?"

"That you can do" I giggle following him to his car,this whole day may have been stressful but it made me realise one thing.There's only one boy I want in this world and that's Payton Moormeier

"Tom I'm not going home,I need you to take me somewhere else?"

A/n:Sometimes even romance writers feel lonely.I've been feeling sorry for myself cuz all my friends are in relationships and meeting eachothers parents and I'm nearly 17 and haven't had my first kiss.But it's okay,I live my life though these characters..how are you guys,if you're ever feeling sad or lonely you can always talk to me :)I hope you enjoyed,and I hope you're happy that they're finally together!!Sort of....ALSO CAN YOU GUYA COMMENT ON THIS ONE ??

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