Dark reality

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It felt like someone had hit a boulder on my head until  my brain and blood mixed together.

Every single muscle of my body ached painfully to such an extent that it became hard to breathe normally.

My lungs felt heavy and weak.

My stomach burned agonizingly. My body felt weak and fragile.

The corner of my leads burned painfully as they tried to adjust with  blinding brightness.

The air was heavy with dusts and foul smells. 

My heart throbbed against my ribcage as I slowly became aware of my surroundings.

The first thing I noticed was the tightness of the rope against my body which was almost too sharp to cut through my skin and restricted me from moving .

Fear hit me like a crashing boulder, making me tremble unconsciously.

My body started to shake against my wish when I realized that I couldn’t make a sound let alone scream.

They bound a cloth on my mouth.
Only one thing swirled across my subconscious mind.

Where the hell was I?


"How we will know, where is she?" Adrienne asked worriedly.

"There is chip connected behind her neck. It will activate when the sunlight contacts her body.

For now, it's acting as a E.C.G, which is monitoring her heart rate for 24/7, providing us the information that she's okay."

Kurt motioned to the computer where singnals dropped and rose in a rhythmic pattern.

"So, it's a solar chip? But how did not the kidnappers notice it?" She asked.

"Its a micro chip, I guess." Tyler said uncertainly.

Kurt nodded, his eyes focused on the big map laid on the wooden table.

"That means she's in a place where the sun can't reach. It can be a house, a dark room or even under the ground." Melissa added.

"But what if she never gets to see the sun? What will happen then?" Tyler questioned.

"She will." Kurt spoke, his voice determined and heavy.

"Just tell us, what we have to do. We don’t have too much time."

Travis stood up from his seat and walked towards Kurt in a calm manner.

It's just been a few hours since their fight. The tension was still there, but everyone tried to ignore Kurt's betrayal and the fire burning in Travis's cold eyes.

"We don’t want you to end up on her place, now do we?" He leaned on the table as his blue eyes stared ahead darkly.

A cold smile made its way towards Kurt's face.

Completely ignoring his threat, he gazed  the map.

"The forest of Riles is where we are going next. Get ready everyone."


I tried to calm my racing heart as it kept hammering painfully.

Deep breaths were not enough to calm my nerves. I had to do something.

I had to get out of here.

The sound of rustling caught my attention.

I tried to crane my neck to see what it was but failed miserably. My neck hurt like shit, it felt like something crawled on my neck.

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