Liam's P.O.V.
Cloud nine. I am on cloud nine after that kiss. I let out a victory howl and run faster to catch up. I suddenly want this to be over as fast I can so I can return to Jordan. I catch up with Braven and he gives me a knowing look and I return a wolfy grin and run faster. I am almost completely caught up to the leading wolves when we all stop. Warriors start taking off and getting in their positions for the attack. I move up next to Freyja and she looks over her shoulder at me.
I nod my head at her and approach her side. Lilah and Cerra are to the left of her and Braven and Oliver are to the right of me. Freyja throws her head back and lets out a loud, powerful howl declaring war. We rush in and begin ripping their defense into shreds. There's blood everywhere, we caught them in total shock. They had no idea we were attacking today.
I throw another wolf to the ground and rip his throat out. I let out a guttural growl and move to advance to the packhouse. Those who want to surrender are being helped by some of our people, those who wish to remain loyal to Drake are being taken down left and right with no issue. I see the three wolves Jordan invited stroll into the packhouse with no issue.
They are killing any wolf that dares cross their path. They are incredibly strong, and a slight shudder rolls off at me at the thought of what Drake is about to experience when they reach him. I am brought back to reality when I hear Braven howling in pain. I take off running and start ripping wolves off him. Ten different wolves had ganged up on him to kill him. His back-right leg is bleeding badly and he has some scratches all over his body from them. He still hasn't healed from being here for a year completely and that angers me more. I rip through four more wolves' throats and let out an ear-piercing howl.
Freyja's P.O.V.
Cerra is on my left and Lilah is to my right. I linked Jordan when we arrived and let her know when we got into the packhouse. We continue ripping the throats of those defending this asshole of a man. We get closer and closer to where I can smell him.
Pathetic bastard is hiding in his office while his pack is getting killed fighting for him. I growl and bust the door down. Cerra, Lilah and I enter the room and begin to look around for Alpha Drake. Lilah lets out a yip of confusion when none of us can see him or find him.
'He's in here. I can feel him. Keep looking ladies,' I link them and they both nod their heads and continue looking.
I know he is in here. I move towards the bookcase and smell. Aw, clever. I jump up, so I am standing on my two back paws and start pulling on the books with my front claws. They all knock to the ground until one is left. I let out a low growl and Cerra and Lilah move to my sides. I pull the final book off the shelf. The bookcase opens and reveals a tunnel lit up with torches on all sides.
We do not hesitate and take off running down the path. I link Jordan and tell her to let the others here know where we are and what is going on. I hear Liam's howl and know he is coming to assist us. Cerra starts to take the lead and begins running and faster and faster down the path. Lilah and I are panting hard to keep up with her. I hear more paws running behind us and just hope that it is Liam and backup and not more of Drake's warriors.
Cerra comes to a stop and I come up on her left side. We are in a dimly lit cave like structure. There are different bodies of water with sand paths around and through them. That is when I see Alpha Drake. He is sitting in the very middle of all the water on a little island. There is one path that leads to him and it would be an immediate mistake to approach this way. I let out a low menacing growl. Alpha Drake snaps his eyes away from Cerra to look at me. He has a look of total confusion on his face. He doesn't let his confusion keep his mouth shut though.
"Freyja, you don't remember who I am? All those times Jordan's father and I beat the shit out of you? Aw, and sweet little Cerra. You and I had a lot of fun, didn't we?" He smirks at her and her head drops. All the visions of the beatings flash back in my head. This is the motherfucker who was best friends with Jordan's father. This is the man who ruined so much about Jordan. So much she doesn't remember because of her mother.
The growls take over my whole body and I am shaking with fury. I take a few steps forward and try to figure out a plan of attack. Lilah does not say a word as she approaches Drake. His smirk becomes a full-blown smile.
"Who are you?" Alpha Drake asks with a crazed smile. Lilah continues approaching him. She is moving slowly and does not answer him through the link. I can see Drake's anger grow as he is being ignored by her. "Answer me! You pathetic weakling of a wolf!" Drake screams at her. Lilah continues to approach him at her steady rate. She gets about twenty feet from him where the path leading right up to him begins and she sits down. Her head cocks sideways as she studies this trash man.
Alpha Drake moves to stand but he is held in his seat. Lilah has a wolfy grin on her face. Of course! She trained with the werecouncil! Jordan taught Estelle how to control the elements and other bodies, but Lilah was with her the whole time and knows how to as well. I let out a giddy yip and a smile grows over my muzzle.
Lilah links everyone in the room, 'Alpha Drake, you do not know me. We have never met, and you have never abused me the way you have the others. I can sense that you have done some horrible things to these wolves and others you oversaw. You have two options. Option one, you step down from the Alpha title and come with us willingly, or option two. Which is way more fun for me and ends with my mouth around your throat. Choose wisely Drake.' Alpha Drake's face falls, but he quickly recovers, and a frown takes over his face.
"I will nev-," Alpha Drake begins to answer Lilah, but water starts to rise from the little ponds around us. Alpha Drake stops and fear is present in his eyes. A chuckle is heard from behind us and I quickly whip around with my canines out, ready to kill whoever it is.
"Drake, as much as I would love to see these wolves have their way with you, I think it is time for this to end and you to come with me. The werecouncil is very upset with you and they have summoned you before them," Liam rolls off calmly. He has already shifted back to human form and I didn't even sense him when he entered.
"Aw, Royal Alpha Liam, I was unaware that they had requested my presence. I had no idea I was doing anything out of bounds here," He smiles widely trying to play innocent. I growl and Lilah sends a ball of water flying at him. It hits him hard, but Lilah isn't done yet. She moves the ball of water so his head is submerged completely, and he cannot breathe.
Drake's face turns blue and Lilah moves the water from his face. I let out another yip of happiness. Liam has a smile from ear to ear. Drake begins screaming and thrashing around trying to get up, but Lilah is holding him still. "Drake don't lie. Clearly, we all know of what you have been doing and guess what? I brought someone to visit you!" Confusion is in all our eyes except Liam.
Braven steps out from behind a rock. Damn, I didn't sense him either! Stupid Royals masking their damn scents! Drake looks over at Braven and his face falls when he finally realizes what he has done. He beat and starved the Royal Beta.
"I will go to the werecouncil willingly!" He shouts and Lilah allows him to move. We are all watching his every move. Lilah allows him to cross the walkway and follows behind him, nipping and growling at him. Liam takes Drake into his grasp and pulls out silver cuffs. Trying to avoid hurting himself as much as possibly, Liam cuffs Drake and roughly leads him away.
I look at Lilah and Cerra. Cerra is still looking at the ground and I can see tears rolling down her snout. I move toward her and we all walk away together.
'Cerra, Jordan needs to know what he did to her before completing the mate bond. It is time to come clean about everything,' I link her and she slightly nods as we run home to Jordan.

The Fate of The Luna
WerewolfThis is book one of the series. Jordan shifts slightly in my lap so she can see my face. "Liam, I want you to mark me." She bluntly states and exposes her neck to me, so I can mark her. A wave of confusion comes over me and I tilt my head looking at...