Chapter 28

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Liam's P.O.V.

                "Can we take a fucking break yet?" Drake whines again for the millionth time. I roll my eyes and shove him forward. I am beyond irritated that I must escort him to the werecouncil, but that is the job of the Royal Alpha. Drake stumbles and almost trips over some tree roots. Mac stifles a laugh and I look over at him with my eyebrows furrowed.

                I had Mac travel with us, just in case Alpha Douchebag tried anything, so far, he hasn't. I turn back up to the sky and see the sun is about to set. We have been walking since I got the cuffs on his wrists, which are now bleeding and swollen. I smirk and grab Drake's upper arm and shove him down on the ground.

                "OUCH!" Drake screams out as the silver cuffs dig into his wrists more. Mac bust out laughing at this and I have to withhold my own laughter. What a pathetic man he is.

                "We will eat dinner here and then continue on. Enjoy this next hour because we will not be breaking again," I state calmly, and Mac shifts to go catch us all something to eat. I tie Drake's legs up and begin starting the fire.

                "You know I had so much fun with your little mate," Drake purrs out at me. I feel my body tense, but I try to remain calm. I cannot kill him until the council meets with us. "Her screams were beautiful, I wonder what she sounds like now," He smirks, and my eyes go black.

'I'm going to rip his fucking throat out,' Grim links and starts to take over control.

'Grim, back off. We have to make it to the council, then we can kill him slowly,' I link back and then close off our communication.

                "What's wrong Liam? Wolf got your tongue?" Drake laughs and taunts me some more. I focus my attention on him and forget the fire completely. I stalk toward him and see his adam's apple bob. He is afraid, but he keeps talking. Why?

                "Drake, you are the lowest piece of shit Alpha I have ever met. You do not deserve the ground we walk on or the wolf you share your soul with. Open your disgusting mouth one more time to talk about my mate or anything, and I will cut your fucking tongue out." I growl at him and he looks toward the ground. "Do I make myself fucking clear?"

                "Yes, Alpha Liam." Drake's eyes stay trained on the ground. I growl low, but it does the trick. He flashes his neck in total submission. I flash my canines and go back to making the fire. Drake keeps his mouth completely closed.

                Mac returns with a deer and shifts back. We begin preparing the meal. While we could shift and eat the meat raw, I'm afraid Grim may take a chance at ripping Drake's throat out. I finish cooking most of the meat and throw the raw bits at Drake's feet. "Eat."

                "I can't eat this without shifting. It is raw," Drake mumbles as a reply. I glare at him and stand. I stalk toward him and pick the meat up off the ground. Our faces are close, and my eyes never leave his.

                "Open your fucking mouth dog," Drake opens, and I shove the raw meat into his mouth. I force his jaw up and down, so he chews it. He swallows and I grab the water and open his mouth once again and pour enough down his throat, so he doesn't pass out later. Mac clears his throat, and I look over at him.

                Mac has his eyebrows furrowed and his head cocked to one side, staring at me. I can see the concern in his eyes. I have never been this cruel before, but I don't care. No one talks about Jordan that way, no one. I move back to sitting on a log near the fire and continue eating.

                We finish the meal without any more mouthing off from Drake. Mac puts the fire out, and we continue on our way. We are two hours away at the rate we are walking. Jordan has tried linking me several times, but I put my mental block up. I do not want to talk to her yet. She clearly is hiding a lot from me. Who were those wolves she invited to battle and how could one of them control the water like Jordan? And what the fuck is Drake talking about? I rub my face and yank Drake back to his feet.

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