Chapter 34

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Jordan's P.O.V.

Fear. Panic. Confusion. Betrayal. It seems as if everyone around me gets to know about my past except me. First my wolves keep information from me, and now my mom tells me Malcom was never my father.

"Jordan, I was afraid that you would get hurt or he would kill you. I was too weak to fight back. He would've killed one of us," Her head drops down in shame, but I feel no sympathy toward her. Not when it was always me getting beaten and not her. She never had a single mark on her, and Malcom was always so sweet with her.

I look at my mother, the woman I thought had my back through everything, the realization in my head makes my stomach turn. She was saving her own ass and letting her child take the beatings for her. Sure, she came in and helped doctor me back up, but that was guilt. She doesn't care about me.

"We'll be leaving now," I stand and start gathering my belongings. I came here for comfort and answers. The sad truth is Athena is not the wonderful mom I thought she was and she's pathetic. Athena looks up to me with tears still streaming down her face.

"Jordan, please. I'm so sorry," Her voice is cracking, and I just shake my head. How could someone so weak birth me? I put my shoes on and go to the door to find Liam. "Jordan, please. You have to believe me. I tried to save you," She speaks again. My hand wraps around the doorknob.

"You are weak, and you let that man beat me. You did nothing to protect me or stop him. You never defended me from Malcom or Drake. You are as pathetic as they are. I pray to the Moon Goddess that I am better to my pups than you've ever been to me. I think it's best for you to leave, I won't be putting the barrier back up because quite frankly I don't give a shit," My grip tightens on the doorknob, and my knuckles turn white. I twist it to leave.

"You'll regret this Jordan. You'll regret the way you've spoke to me today," Athena speaks in a grave tone, but when I turn to ask what she means, she's already gone. She used all her power to transport though because I can still smell her. When Athena introduced me to teleportation and some of my other powers, she always said to cover your scent before teleporting and during. Otherwise, they can smell you and find you based off it.

I look the place over with a face of dissatisfaction. With one last glance, I turn to leave. Making sure to slam the door hard enough for the windows to rattle.

"Didn't go too well in there, huh?" Liam is leaning on the car. Seems he was waiting, he's already dressed. He looks godly leaning against my car, his piercing eyes looking over my whole body. The way he brings his plump pink lip- What the fuck is going on? I withdraw my eyes from him and grunt in response.

I make my way over to the car and hop in the passenger seat. Liam gets the hint and gets in as well. Part of me wants to scream and cry and ask the world what I did, but the part of me that is always in control sucks it up. No reason in crying about any of this anymore. Drake is dead, Malcom is dead, and Athena might as well be for all I care.

"Want to talk about it?" Liam breaks the silence thirty minutes later. We are stuck at a red light in some human town. It's the same town we stopped in earlier to eat. Funny though, I don't remember us ever leaving the driveway. I suppose I was in my thoughts too much.

Turning my attention to Liam, "Not right now. Later when we get back to the pack territory, we will go to the cave and talk." I answer him curtly before taking my attention off of him again. I'm not sure why but being around him or staring at him is making me feel warm and hot. It has to be because my heat will start soon. I groan in annoyance at the thought.

I allow myself to drift off into sleep, Liam will wake if he wants help driving. Plus, I am exhausted. I feel like I have learned more about myself these past few days than I've known my whole life. Exhaustion is taking over. 

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