Chapter 57

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Liam's P.O.V.

Sunlight streams in on my face. I groan and try to move out of its line of fire. I pull the covers over my head and let out a sigh of contentment as I start falling back to sleep. Then something begins wiggling next to me. I huff and pull the blanket down and growl. I sit up and look around trying to find the source of my frustration.

I look over to see Jordan sleeping peacefully. My mark looks wonderful on her neck. It is a wolf's head with a crown on it. A smile takes over my face and suddenly the frustration from being woke up is gone. Being as gentle as I can, I slide my legs out of bed and stand to go shower and get dressed. Small whimpers come from the bed once I get up.

I turn around to see Jordan searching for me while asleep in bed. She's whining in her sleep because I'm not next to her. My smile grows. She's so cute. I continue getting ready, grabbing clothes out of the closet and heading to the bathroom.

Once I get in the bathroom, I look at my neck to see the same mark from her on me along with bruising. Thanks to the heal rate of being a wolf, it is practically gone. Just some yellowish coloring around where her canines inserted. I run my fingers over it, wincing when I brush the bruising.

I shower and finish getting ready before coming into our bedroom to see Jordan, still asleep. I roll my eyes. This girl should be up by now. We find out all about her fate today. How can she sleep in on the day she learns everything about herself?

I walk to the bed and yank the blanket off her, only to fall completely still. My eyes zero in on her body. She never got dressed last night. The only thing she is wearing is a small black, lacy bralette. Pride fills my chest as I look down at the beautiful woman who is now mine, permanently. However, something else is on my mind, and unless Jordan is already up for another round, I need her to get up and ready. If it were up to me, we would be in this room all day doing things way more fun than reading old prophecies with a witch. I bite my lip and lean down. I kiss her forehead and shake her lightly.

"Five more minutes," she grumbles and swats at me. I chuckle and pull her into my lap. She sleepily readjusts and curls into me, letting out a cooing noise once she reaches maximum comfort for herself.

"All that moving around on my lap has woken something else up buttercup. I suggest you get up and get ready before you find out exactly what I meant last night," I whisper into her ear and kiss my mark on her neck lightly. Her eyes shoot up as she bolts to the closet.

My laughter fills the room. Jordan comes out of the closet with another one of my shirts on and crosses her arms. I smile when I see her in my shirt. I love when she wears my clothes. It leaves my scent all over her, so everyone knows she is mine.

"Liam, why did you wake me up so early?" she frowns and rubs her eyes. I shake my head at her.

"Jordan, we meet with Katarina today to discuss the prophecies. I told you that last night before we went to bed," I explain, unsure why she doesn't recall our conversation. She just nods and proceeds getting ready.

While she showers, I prepare a light breakfast for us both. I walk in the room with the food as she walks out of the bathroom. Jordan is wearing a black dress with red roses decorating it. I nod in approval at her outfit choice. We look united, as I'm wearing a red shirt with black jeans.

"Thank you for making breakfast," she smiles before digging into the omelet and biscuits I made for us. I start eating with her. We both keep stealing looks at each other. When I catch Jordan, she blushes and looks away immediately.

I swallow my coffee and turn my full attention to her as she finishes her orange juice. "Are you excited to find out about everything today?" She shrugs at my question.

"If I'm being totally honest, I'm scared. What if the prophecy shows this big evil ending? What if I can't change anything? I don't want my firstborn to rule over hell for eternity. I don't want my family to be cursed anymore," she looks down. I can feel how much doubt she has. I put on a half-smile and rub her shoulder. She looks up at me.

"We will figure this out together. You're not alone and you're not evil J. I know you're not evil," I kiss her forehead. She gives me a sad smile. We clean up our plates from breakfast and head to the kitchen. Katarina is supposed to meet us here. The prophecy scrolls are held in a vault room that has enchantments and only opens when Katarina and I are both present. There's a lot of valuable information in the vault room. Information that could be the total downfall to the werewolf kingdom.

Katarina's short, chubby figure rounds the corner of the kitchen. A smile comes over her face. "Are you both ready?" her voice rings out. Everything about her in gentle, but she's still a witch. Her alliance with us has been steady and she has never done anything to hurt us, but I still don't trust her. She's a witch, they're known for their tricks and ill will. Katarina is quite selfish, always demanding some type of payment for her work.

"Yes, we are ready," Jordan answers. Her voice is filled with determination. Katarina nods and we begin the walk downstairs to the vault. The cells are deeper in the castle than the vault. Although to any normal eye, they would never find them. Many think the first underground floor is for storage of useless statues and paintings, but the ending to our kind is right there in plain sight.

Katarina walks to the corner of the room and mumbles the enchantment under her breath. I step forward and the façade falls as the extravagant room comes into focus. Everything is white and sealed in air-tight containers. Everything in this room is older than humankind. Back when only the supernatural walked the earth. When things were simple, and we were not in fear of our secrets being exposed.

Katarina leads us to the scrolls that hold the fate of my mate and my firstborn. She lifts the glass covering off the papers. Carefully, she lifts them and brings them to a desk. Katarina smooths them out and we walk to look over them.

"Holy fuck," Jordan's eyes fill with fear and her body shudders at what lies before us. 

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