Chapter 44

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Liam's P.O.V.

"Liam, they've been following us for over two hours. We did a sweep around them. It's a girl with red hair and a big burly man with dark brown hair. They're dressed as humans, but Connor can sense their power. They aren't full wolves if they are wolves at all," Braven runs through everything he and Connor gathered when they were investigating our road trip friends who weren't invited. I sigh and nod.

"You and Connor link all you can to Katarina at the castle. Maybe that old witch can figure out who is following us," I rub my temples and Braven nods. Katarina is the Royal's personal witch that assists us. My family made a deal with her coven a long time ago. She's a total sweetheart but has selective hearing and can be a bit tricky to deal with at times. Just like any witch, she can be quite selfish.

Connor, one of the warriors, comes walking toward me. I nod and motion him to come closer. "Alpha, they've masked their scents. I can't get a good grasp of them, but whatever they're doing to cover them is wearing off. If they were full wolves, they would be able to mask it without a problem, right?" He asks and I can see the confusion swirling through his blue eyes.

"Hybrids can't always mask them completely or for long terms like pure wolves, but yes wolves should be able to mask their scents. However, Braven said you could sense some of their powers. What energies are you picking up?" I stare into his eyes waiting. Connor has a stronger sense of identifying other species and those who are corrupt. He has been up my ass about the things he senses from Jordan, but I've been successfully diverting his attention. Connor is a great warrior and tracker, but he can be too nosey for his own good at times.

"The man really doesn't have an energy. It's almost like the girl's aura is projected onto his. Hers is very dark and negative. Filled with power. I know she is half witch, but I'm not sure what else. She may have the man under her influence. It would explain the aura he has," Connor runs through all the ideas he is having aloud. I just listen along.

I look back into the diner and see Jordan, Seth, and Frank coming out of the restroom. Connor goes to get situated in his car. I motion Braven over toward me.

"Braven, Connor says she is half witch and the man with her is potentially under her control. Did you hear anything from Katarina yet?" I try to whisper the best I can. I don't need anyone else knowing all the details just yet in case this is an inside job. Braven shakes his head.

"I've linked her, but she is just now running through who all it could be. I'll let her know we think the girl is half witch. She may be able to narrow it down more. If we could just get a glimpse of her coven branding, then we would know," Braven scratches his chin.

"Listen, I want you and Zach to shift and stay behind. The car is following us, so let's follow them. Stay low. Don't get seen. Stay aware and keep me in the loop. If you can get close enough to see the branding without risking exposure, then do so. Do NOT risk getting seen though. Do you understand?" I use my alpha voice to demand Braven to listen. I can not risk losing my baby brother. Also, my mom would kill me if anything happened to her baby.

"I understand Alpha, but brother?" I nod for him to continue, turning alpha mode off and big brother mode on. "If we get caught, murder or capture?" His eyes cloud over with the question and I sigh. Braven never liked killing anyone.

"Capture, but if they attack, you fight to kill. Do not second guess it. Rip their throats out if that's what it comes down to," I demand. His head drops and he looks at his feet, but nods giving me his word.

I turn to see Jordan giving me a questioning look, but I just smile. Hopefully she will just drop it for now. If she finds out, then she won't agree with my plan. She'll want to follow them herself. Seth and Frank walk to their car. Jordan walks over to me and we get into the car. After convincing Jordan to nap, I watch as Braven and Zach sneak off. The cars set off and as expected the Toyota pulls out after the last SUV to follow us. Only pack warriors are in that car. Seth and Frank are in front of us, and behind us is one car filled with warriors. The car that is following keeps a steady distance.

I barely catch a glimpse of Zach's brown wolf. Braven's grey wolf is well hidden, but they are too close to the car. They need to back off or they will be caught for sure.

'Braven. Zach. Back off, you're too close to the car. I just saw Zach pop out on the right. It was quick and I don't think anyone else saw but stay alert.' I link them both at the same time. Once they respond with a simple 'yes alpha', I cut the link off.

For the next four hours, I stay awake and very alert of the car and my wolves trailing them. Jordan sleeps peacefully in my lap the whole way. She has no idea what is coming her way, and neither do I.

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