Chapter 42

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Liam's P.O.V.

Jordan and I spent the morning packing and handling paperwork. Luckily with the both of us, it only took four hours to get everything under control. Jordan linked everyone to let them know that after breakfast, a meeting would be held. Now, we are in the kitchen eating some pancakes and eggs that Frank prepared. He isn't excited about Jordan leaving at all.

He's been pouting all morning. That man is such a mystery to me. He's just the head chef, why are he and Jordan so close? I make a mental note to ask about him later. Braven comes in the side door with Axle following close behind. They both nod their heads at me and grab some food.

"So, what's this meeting about?" Braven asks after he and Axle get seated across from Jordan and me. Jordan continues eating. I swallow the pancake I had in my mouth and look up at them.

"We will be leaving for the castle today. Axle will stay behind to help Beta Oliver with overseeing the pack while we are gone. Jordan, Braven, the other men, and I will all be leaving at one to head home. I'm not sure how long we will be there, but Jordan will need to leave every few days to come check in on her pack," I finish explaining and take another bite of my food. Axle nods his head.

"Are you informing the werecouncil that Jordan will be staying at the castle? They do want to watch her at some point," Braven asks before taking another bite as well. Jordan lets out a big dramatic sigh.

"I really don't think this is the trip they should be supervising me on. They may decide right then and there that I am unfit to be the Royal Luna," she states and pushes her plate away after playing with her food this whole time. "I'd like for Frank and Seth to come with us. I need a piece of home," she barely finishes before Frank jumps up and down in excitement.

"I'll go pack right now Luna! I'll inform Seth as well!" Frank rushes out of the kitchen as giddy as a kid on Christmas morning. Braven chuckles and Jordan shakes her head with a smile on her face. I furrow my eyebrows.

"Uh, well I guess that isn't up for discussion then," I sigh and finish eating. Jordan is drilling holes in the side of my head, and I'm willing to bet she isn't happy about my response. There's something that isn't right about Frank. He's a great, sweet man, but something about him around Jordan rubs me wrong.

The rest of the morning after the meeting with the pack is spent with Axle and Oliver. Jordan and I run through the basic list and duties of their roles for the time being. Oliver will be a temporary alpha with Axle as his beta. As time gets closer and closer to us leaving, Jordan becomes more and more anxious. Her temper seems to be getting shorter and shorter. She snapped at Axle for breaking his pencil earlier.

We walk out of the office and I pull her to the side. "Hey, what's bothering you?" I rub the sides of her arms. She growls lowly at me, and shrugs my arms off her.

"Nothing. I'm just ready to get this over with. I don't like the idea of leaving my pack for very long," her growls subside. "I'm sorry I've been snappy today," she leans back into my touch. I don't try to hide the confusion I'm feeling, but I pull her in for an embrace anyway.

She lets out a deep breath and cuddles into the hug more. I smile and squeeze her lightly before pulling away. "It's all okay, I understand how this can cause you to worry. Axle and Oliver are more than capable of running the pack for a few days though, and I promise you will be back in 72 hours to check in," I smile at her. She returns it with a half-smile, but her eyes tell me she isn't convinced of anything I'm telling her.

She says her final goodbyes to the pack before we load into the cars. We will be driving half the way and then shifting the other half. Braven is riding in a separate car with some warriors. Jordan and I are in the back seat with two lead warriors in the front. Seth and Frank are in a third car with more warriors driving them.

Jordan is staring out the window as we drive off. I rub her knee and give her a small smile. "It's going to be okay," I squeeze her knee lightly. She gives me another smile that doesn't reach her eyes. I sigh and look out the window. It's going to be a long trip.

About halfway through the drive, Jordan decides she's hungry and we need to stop to eat. The warriors pull into a small diner with the rest of the cars pulling in behind them. Jordan hops out as soon as we get there. She takes off running to Seth and Frank. They all smile and talk about how boring and long the ride has been. Apparently, Seth and Frank spent the whole ride trying to get my warriors to crack a smile.

The three of them continue laughing all the way into the diner. I smile and talk with a few warriors before turning to head in myself. "Hey! Alpha, hold up!" Zach, one of my top warriors comes running over to me. His black hair flops in his brown eyes as he lightly jogs over to me. I stand still, waiting for him to reach me.

He finally catches up to me. "Alpha, just wanted to give you a heads up. There's been a blue Toyota following us since we got out of Jordan's pack territory. They sped past when we pulled in here. They're parked over there off the top of the hill," He cuts his eyes to the corner to motion toward their direction. I nonchalantly look over to the direction he's motioning to.

"Fuck..." I run my hand through my hair. This is going to be a problem.

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