Chapter 11

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I get woken up by the sound of loud footsteps. I go to the door and see who it is. I see a girl a few years younger than my mom with short blonde hair. Mrs. Grose is showing her to the room all the way at the end o the hallway. I hear rustling and Miles opening his door to. The lady goes into the room and Mrs. Grose turns seeing us. 

"Good morning children. That is the new nanny for Flora, you can properly be introduced at breakfast," She tells us leaving. I look over at Miles who is looking at me. I close my door and go over to him. He watches me come then moves so I can enter his room. Again he has no shirt. (No body can complain tho) 

"I hope this one sticks," He simply says laying down on his bed leaving room for me on the other side, so I lay by him. 

"Why?" I ask. 

"None of the others stayed too long, breaks Flora's heart," He stats. 

We sit in silence for a little bit until Miles looks at me. 

"Um, about yesterday, before Flora came," He pauses searching my face. I know what he was talking about but didn't know how to respond. "I uh think I might-" 

"Miles, Miles!" Flora yells. Stopping his sentence. She has puffy eyes and a frown on her face. 

"What's wrong Flora?" 

"I lost my favorite doll and I can't find it anywhere," She sniffles. Sitting on his edge. 

"Okay, me and y/n will help you look for it," He replies to her wiping a tear on her cheek. She simply nods.  

---Time skip-- 

Flora went to look for her doll with Miles inside and I went outside, After about 5 minutes of searching, I found it stuck in a bush in the entrance of the maze. I pick it up and start heading back inside to find her. I go through the kitchen and see both Miles and Flora in the living room. 

"Hey, I found her outside," I say holding up the doll. 

She looks at it and runs full speed at me. She hugs me with a huge smile on her face. "Thank you so much y/n," 

Mrs. Grose walks in with the short blonde haired woman. 

"Children, this," She says motioning to the girl. "Is Kate" Kate waves and looks at each of us.

"Hi!" Flora exclaims, running toward Kate. I go and sit by Miles on the couch. "I'm Flora, that girl is y/n and that's my brother Miles. My mom walks in and see Kate. Flora continues, "And that is y/n's mom. They live with us now," 

"Well it is nice to meet all of you," Kate smiles. 

"I will give you a tour if you want?" Flora asks looking up at her.

"Sure," She replies, and they both leave. 

"Y/n, I was wondering if you could go into town to get groceries since me and Mrs. Grose are pretty busy," My mom asks handing me a list. 

"Oh, yeah I can," 

"Thank you, been swamped in work lately, it's very much appreciated. Miles could come with you to help to if he likes,"

"Yeah," He replies standing up. 

We both leave and I start driving to town. I hand him the aux. We listen to music and sing along all the way there. 

Once we reach the supermarket, I park and we go inside. 

---Time skip---

Me and Miles work together to get all the stuff inside and put away. After we both go to his room. He plays his guitar and teaches me some stuff to. 

"Why don't you start a band?" I ask him. 

"With who exactly?" He retorts. 

"I'd be in your band. I don't know how to play anything that is in a band but you could teach me," I look around and see his drums. "The drums!" I say "I mean you would obviously play your guitar. Maybe Jake or Talia can sing or play bass or something.'" 

He laughs. "you are really invested in this," 

"I just think it would be fun," I smile.  Also I am gonna send you something," I add. I took a picture of him while he was playing. 

"This is a good picture," He says looking down at it. 

"Yeah, thanks," I say.

Then there is another pause. We are staring at each other again.  Miles smirks at me but then it fades just as fast as it came. 

"I uh gotta go help Quint, I forgot," 

Before I can speak a word he is gone. 

A/N We gonna get some Miles Fairchild pov next part

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