Chapter 25

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I know I haven't been updating as frequently but I am trying my best. yah uh trying to figure it out. This part is probably gonna be kinda short cause I am trying to organize my ideas for this book. Also I might start the finn x reader book soon. I won't publish it till the first 5 or 10 parts are done so their is more than just one anyways yeah. 

y/n pov

I woke up and saw Miles was gone. I go downstairs where I am greeted by Flora. 

"Hi," She says with a pop tart in her hand. I smile down at her and go to the kitchen where I see Kate talking to Miles. Once Kate sees me she stops. Miles turns and sees me then looks back at his food. Kate leaves the kitchen and goes with Flora. I sit down by Miles. I decide not to ask him about what they were talking about. After he finishes he turns to me. 

"Want to do something today?" He asks. 

"Yeah," I reply. 

---Time skip to town---

I don't really know much to do or where places are so Miles shows me somethings. We head to the only arcade in town. I barley see these things anymore anywhere. We played many games and won somethings. We ran into Talia and Jake at the place we ate for lunch and hung out with them as well. We went everywhere and had a good time. Once it was later we went to the cliff over looking the town. I was beautiful at night. We talked for forever. Once it was getting pretty late, we decided to leave and we said goodbye. Me a Miles drove home and we went to his room. 

He played some music and we layed on his bed not saying anything. After a while I fell asleep in his arms. The next morning I woke up before Miles. I slide out of his bed so that I don't wake him. I go over by his bookshelf and graze my hands over the spines of each book. My hand goes over two journal looking books. Before I can take a look at them I hear Miles stir. 

"Good morning," I say turning towards him. He rubs his eyes while giving me a small smile. I tell him I am going to change and go to my room. I shower and dress. I get a notification from my phone. 



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How'd I get this pic? The world may never know ;)

@ Jake.Hornes @ y/u/n @ Miles._.Fairchild 

Jake.Hornes, Avery.Hornes, Mile._.Fairchild and 453 others liked   17 comments 

@ Jake.Hornes Was a good day

      @Talia_Songos :) 'twas

@ y/u/n Wow, very sneaky haha

      @talia_Songos ;)

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A/N I am also happy that I have a little over 1k reads. It really means a lot that some people like this and uh thank you for your comments, votes and stuff. :)

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