Chapter 36

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We all get in the car and drive away. It is dark outside but still not too late that we have to be home. I actually am kind of hungry and ask Miles if we could get food. 

"Of course," He says smiling. Once we have pulled away from the house his mood seemed to lift a little. Still no one was up for trying to make conversation. We pull up to a McDonalds and park. We go inside and order and sit in a booth waiting for our numbers to be called. The silence gets a little awkward, but everyone is a little scared after what happened. Jake is the first to speak up.

"You alright dude?" He asks in a low voice. 

Miles looks up with his straw still in him mouth. He sits up, a small smirk on his face. "Yes, I have wanted to do that for a long time," 

Before they answer both of their orders were called and they go get them. I look at his knuckle. There is a large bruise on it. I take that hand in mine and bring it up to my lips. I softly kiss it and set his hand back down. He looks at me and smiles, putting his hand on my thigh. 

They get back and start eating their food, soon after mine is called. I get up and grab it, right as I grabbed it Miles was also called, so I grabbed his as well. 

Soon the tension was gone and we were all having a good time. We were the only ones inside, which was okay cause we were being kind of loud. 

 We left, we were there for quite a long time so we dropped off Jake and Talia and headed home.  

Once we got inside I went to my room to change and shower. Once I got out I went to Miles room. I knock twice. He tells me I can come in.

"You know you don't have to knock now," He tells me.

"And what if I walk in on you when your naked?" I ask. I know what he is gonna say and smirk.

"Wouldn't that be a shame," He says smirking back. He looks down at his hand and back at me. "You know I will never let anyone hurt you," He says in almost a whisper. 

I step closer to him. "I know Miles, and that's why I love you," I say. 

He quickly closes the space between us. After he pulls away he has a smirk on his face again. "That's not the only reason," 

I roll my eyes and shake my head at him going to his bed. 


I wake up to the sound of Kate banging on Miles door and yelling. 

Miles jerks awake. "What the hell?" 

"Get up!" was the only thing I heard Kate say before she stopped and left. Miles stands throwing a shirt on. 

"The hell is her problem," He mumbles grumpily.

We head down together but Miles stops before we walk in the room pulling me to the side. 

"Shit," He says.

"What, what's going on Miles?"

He closes his eyes biting his lip. 

"Please stay here," He says, eyes pleading. 

"I-, okay," I give in. 

"Thank you," He says lightly kissing my forehead. He quickly goes out. I peek around the corner to see. 

Andre and what looks like his father is standing in front of Kate and Mrs. Grose and my mother. 


I walk out where Andre is smirking at me. He has a large, ugly bruise covering his nose. Kate looks furious when she sees me. I keep my head down and sit on the couch. 

"So, where is this boys parents?" His father asks.

"They died in a car crash," Mrs. Grose replied. 

"Then all of you are?" He asks.

"I am the help, this is Miles younger sisters nanny and teacher. (We all know she tryna control Miles too XD) and this is Mrs. y/l/n, she is now in charge of the Fairchild's family business," 

He nods. "Well I have already informed the nanny here what happened. My son told me the whole story," 

"And what is that?" Mrs. Grose asked. 

"This young boy punched my son in the face at the party yesterday," He claims. That is true but there was a reason.

"Why would he do that though?" y/n's mom asked. 

"Why don't you ask him?" Andres father points at me. 

Everyone turns to face me.

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