Chapter 33

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I wake up and turn towards Miles. He is awake, staring up at the ceiling. Once he sees I have awaken, he turns his gaze to me. I small smile creeps onto his face.

"Hey," He whispers.

"Hey," I reply stretching my limbs. I hear a small pitter patter of feet running and Floras voice through the door. 

"Miles!" She yells through the door. 

"You can come in Flora," He says. 

She opens the door and runs and jumps onto his bed, landing on top of him. 

"My birthday is almost here! They are planning a party for me!" She exclaims. I smile at her when she turns to me. 

"You guys always sleep with each other, are you guys married?" She asks.

"What?" I ask laughing. 

"Mom and dad slept in the same room and they were married." She explains.

"Well Flora, y/n here gets scared a lot so she sleeps with me," He says, smirking. 

I push him over. "Yeah right, you wish," I reply. 

Kate appears in the doorway since the door was left open by Flora. 

"Breakfast is ready," She says walking away. Flora scurries to follow her downstairs. Me and Miles head down after them. 

"Scared pff," I mutter. 

"What was that?" Miles asks. 

"Oh I know you heard me," I say with attitude. I run away down to the dining room with him chasing me. 

I abruptly stop once I get to the archway of the dinning room, Miles running into me. We sit on the same side as Flora as she is talking about what cake she wants at her party. 

"Who are you inviting?" Miles asks. 

"Well, we will invite family, some of Flora's friends that she has met around town probably," Mrs. Grose replies. 

Time skipity skip

I am sitting in my room when Miles comes in. 

"No knock?" I ask. "What if I was changing or something?"

"It's not like I haven't seen you naked or-" 

"What was that Miles?" Kate asks walking by with a laundry basket, stopping at my doorway where Miles is standing. 

"Uh nothing just seeing if y/n wanted to hang out in town is all," He smiles innocently. She looks from him, to me, back to him.

"Hmm, okay," She says looking suspicious. She turns and leaves. 

I roll my eyes and shake my head as a small smile creeps onto my face at Miles who is laughing. 

"Wouldn't be that funny if she heard you clearer," I say.  He shrugs. 

"But I was serious about hanging out in town. Mostly cause Jack wants to skate with me and you can meet more of my friends who will also be there. 

"Sounds cool," I say. I get dressed and meet Miles outside and we drive to town. Once we get out he grabs his board and heads towards the skate park. 

"You know, I never knew you skated," I say. "Is it because you are bad?" I tease him. 

"For your information, I am amazing," He stats. We get closer when I see Jack and some other people near him talking. A boy with brown curly hair points at us and Jack and the others look at us. 

"Hey Miles," Jack greets him. He turns to me and smiles. "It's nice to see you again too," He turns to the others, "Guys this is Miles friend from his school y/n, also his girlfriend," 

"I'm Wyatt," The boy who I saw point at us says. 

"Jayden," Another boy with brown hair says and waves. 

"Jeremy," A boy a little shorter than the others says.

"Chosen," The last boy says raising his hand a little. 

"And I am Sophia," The only girl in the group says, smiling at me.

"Nice to meet you all," I reply.

Miles, Jack and a few others go and skate. Me and Sophia watch on a bench. We talk and we actually have a lot in common.

Later Miles comes up to me. 

"Want to try?" He asks. 

"I can skate," I say. "I can't do any tricks though," 

"I can teach you," He shows me how to do a kick flip once and I finally get the hang of it when we decide to get food at the food truck near by. 

We go down by the lake and hang out till it is dark and we head home. I go to shower and check my phone. 

TheChosenOne, Sopia.the.1st, WyattsNoodleHair, Jer.bear and Jaebae requested to follow you. 

I accept then and add them back.  

(Ik that's not their actual instagrams but they kinda cute so) 

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