Chapter 40

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Uh 7000 reads? Wow ꈍ .̮ ꈍ thank you, I feel accomplished. 

Miles stops in his tracks and I run into him. I look around him confused and see Kate standing by his bed. She just looks between us not saying anything. Yes, we are both wet and yes, we are both just wearing towels. 

"We went swimming," Miles says quickly. 

"That explains why you have no clothes on?" She asks. 

"Who says I don't?" He retorts, challenging her. 

She just rolls her eyes at him. 

"Anyways, it is none of your business Kate," He walks past her towards his closet. I keep standing where I am. 

"I just came to tell you, Quint is dead," She says full serious. 

Miles stops rummaging in his closet. He doesn't turn around. 

"He has wandering around town since he has left, and was found dead, they think it was overdose," 

Miles turns. His jaw clenched. "Well since you have said what you came here for, you can leave now," He says. 

"Miles, I think we should talk about what this-" She begins.

"No Kate, we don't now get out of my room," He says. 

He turns back around, facing her. 

Kate looks at me then back at Miles. 

"I never told her she had to leave, just you," He says. 

Kate has an appalled look on her face as she walks out.

Miles finds clothes and changes as I am still standing in the spot I was this whole time, feeling like I am planted there. After Miles gets clothes he turns to me. He has a unreadable expression on his face. I'm sure he is upset about hearing the news that Kate had. 

"Miles? Are you okay?" I ask, trying to be cautious. 

"Of course I am, he was a terrible person," Is all he says. I leave to go and get clothes to wear. I know that there is more going on.  

I walk back into his room, he is sitting in his chair facing his window with his feet up. He has a somber look on his face. I sit on the edge of his bed. 

"Miles? You have the right to be upset," I say.  He doesn't reply, instead he stands up and goes to his drum set. He hits it once, then again and again harder than the last and faster. 

I stand and walk up to him, he continues his action. I grab his arms and he stops. I take the drumsticks out of his hands and set them down. Tears run down his face and I kneel on the ground in between his legs. 

"I hate him," He says, angry tears falling down his cheeks. "He was bad, so why do I miss him?" He asks, looking down at me. 

"He was your friend Miles, you knew him for a long time," I say, wrapping my arms around his waist and leaning my head on his chest. "It will be alright, I promise," After a few minutes I stand. "Let's go riding," I say holding my hand out. He takes it and we walk downstairs. We pass Kate, saying nothing and going outside. We get to the stables and I stop. He goes and gets Samson. He helps me with the other horse. I follow him through the maze and to the woods behind the house. He stops at a small clearing and climbs off. I follow suit. We tie the horses to a tree and walk over and sit on the ground. I sit right across from him with my legs crossed as does Miles. He pulls at the grass looking down. 

"I brought you this," He begins, pulling out the more battered journal that I saw in his room. "You can read it, or don't," He slides it to me. "It was difficult getting through my parents death and everything and before you, I had no one to talk to," He says, I can tell that it is difficult for him to talk about it. "Everything in there is about my past," He ends.  

I look down at it. "Are you sure?" I ask. 

He looks up at me now. "Yes, of course I am, I have never shown anyone that and I want you to see it because I love you y/n and you deserve to know more about me," 

He comes over by me and kisses me then pulls away. 


We head back to the house for dinner. Kate is acting quite weird with the events that happened earlier but does not mention anything to my mom or Mrs. Grose. 

After dinner, I play with Flora until she has to go to bed. 

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