Chapter 21

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I wake up and Miles is already dressed. He looks over at me and smiles. 

"Good morning," He says. 

"Morning, why were you up so early?" I ask.

He shrugs "Couldn't sleep anymore," 

I nod standing up and stretching. I go to my room and get dressed for school. I get a text from my mom. 


y/m: Hey, I am out rn, we are supposed to visit your grandmother for a little while. Only a few days this weekend. You will miss school Friday. 

y/n: Okay.

I go downstairs for breakfast. Me and Miles head to the car and drive to school. 

---Time skip to after school and detention---

Talia and Jake come over for the first time so we can have our first practice. They come with us and we drive them there. 

"Wow, this place is big," Jake says. 

We get out and go to the living room. 

"Hi, I'm Flora, Miles little sister," She says running up to the two. 

They meet everyone else and we go to Miles room. 

Talia sits in the chair as Miles gets his guitar and Jake gets his bass. I sit at the drums. I still haven't learned much but we are just gonna wing it. 

We decide we should learns some covers of what kind of sound we want and can work on making our own music later. 

Talia decides what we should learn and we get to work. Miles tries to help me get the hang of the drums and we play some of a song. It wasn't the best but could have been worse. Later they leave and Miles teaches me a little more. 

"Okay, and make sure you hold them like this," He says putting his hands on mine to put them in the right spot. He takes them away.

"How?" I ask smirking. 

He chuckles at me. "Like this," He whispers in my ear from behind me. Taking the drumsticks out of my hands setting them down and putting my hands in his. He kisses the top of my head. I stand up and turn to him. Wrapping my arms around his torso.  He wraps his arms around me. We stand there for a while then go downstairs for supper. 

Later we hang out and fall asleep. 

A/n Yeah kinda short, the next one will be better. Also I thought after I finish this book which probably will be a while, I might make a finn wolfhard x reader and maybe Boris to. Also maybe a finn character imagines book. Let me know what you think. Also another side note, smut? Yah or nah, let me know, I have never written smut so idk but if you want it I will deliver just let me know in the comments about all of it.

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