58. DAY ONE? *

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The next morning we got dressed and I felt as if my life was plummeting to the ground.  I really didn't like the idea of having to deal with Mr. Blaine.  I had hoped he would just leave me alone and let me live my life but I was not so lucky.  I nearly jumped out of my skin when I felt two arms wrap around me from behind.  "Now this is how my fiancee should always look.  Damn, I love you in this dress you look beautiful."  I lean into Noah letting him hug me tighter but it was not enough for me so I turned around in his arms wrapping mine around him resting my head on his chest.  "Noah, I hate we have to do this."  He rubbed my back "I know baby but he needs to know that what he did was uncalled for and inexcusable."  I nodded my head "I know.  I just wish he had left me alone."  "Same here baby same here."  There was a knock on the door "you two it is time to go we can't be late."  I look up at Noah and he leans down and kisses me.  "Let's go do this."  I smile up at him "Looking good but I miss the leather jacket."  "Don't worry I still have it and when we are done today I will put it on just for you." 

Making our way into the courtroom was nerve-racking.  Noah, Lee, my parents, and Mathew sat behind me and June with our friends behind them.  We all sat there waiting for the judge to come in and let us know how things were going to work out.  I kept fidgeting in my seat until Noah leaned forward and rubbed my shoulders "Shelly baby just relax we all have your back."  I nodded my head just as we heard "all rise the honorable Judge Madge Hawthorn presiding."  We  all watch as she makes her way to her chair and sits down "you may be seated."  As we all sat down she cleared her throat "it is my understanding that a Mr. Noah Flynn will need to be questioned first since he has to be in Boston on Sunday because he is attending school at Harvard University."  June nodded "that is correct your honor."  "Ok let's start with opening statements."  June stood up "Imagine starting your senior year with everything ahead of you and the stress of making sure you get into a good university at the end of the school year.  Then add your supposed deceased mother walks back into your life in your English class.  That is what Miss. Rochelle Elizabeth Evans had to endure at the start of her senior year.  Six weeks into her senior year her history teacher left and Mr. Justin Blaine took the position.  Miss. Evans noticed some odd behavior, as well as her friends and they, were not happy about the situation.  

Considering that they are children they did not think anyone would take them seriously.  We are going to prove that Mr. Justin Blaine was trying to start a relationship with Miss Evans even though he knew she was a minor and a student."  June sat down and soon after the other lawyer jumped up "Miss. Rochelle Elizabeth Evans looks sweet and innocent and that is what they will have you believe.  Mr. Justin Blaine tried to dissuade  Miss. Evans but she would not relent and there is only so much any man can take when a beautiful young girl is throwing themselves at him.  I will prove that she started the relationship with Mr. Blaine but once she found out her parents had arranged a marriage with their friend's oldest son she wanted to keep seeing him in secret.  The reason behind hiding the relationship is that her supposed fiancee is volatile and was happy his parents arranged the marriage.  He always felt that Miss Evans belonged to him and threatened her that she was his and he would hurt her if she left him or was seeing anyone else."  

He walked to sit down and I turned to see Noah taking deep breaths and he stared into my eyes and smiled.  "Miss Evans is everything alright?"  I turned around "yes your honor."  She nodded her head and before June called Noah to the stand she leaned over and whispered to me "you can't do that.  You will prove Noah is volatile and can't be trusted."  "OK, June."  She stood up "I call Noah Xavier Flynn to the stand."  Noah stood up and walked over to the witness stand and he was soon sworn in.  He took his seat and June started in "Please state your full name, age, occupation, and current place of residence."  "Noah Xavier Flynn, eighteen, a student at Harvard University, Boston Massachusetts."  "OK, Mr. Flynn how do you know Miss Rochelle Elizabeth Evans?"  He smiled and looked at me "she is my fiancee."  "Mr. Flynn, how did you meet Miss Evans and when?"  "I met Miss Evans the day she was born June 16th, 2003."  "How old were you when you met Miss Evans."  "About a year old."  "How do you know you met her then?"  He grinned "the home movie my father shot of my younger brother's birth."  "Why would that let you know of Miss Evans's birth."  "She was born on the same day.  She is a couple of hours older." 

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