My name is Clarke Griffin. I live on the ark in space with the rest of the remaining humans. 97 years ago nuclear war bombs wiped out all life on earth which forced 12 stations in space to join and form the ark. Now, the supplies are dwindling and we're all on edge, scared that finally the human race is going to be extinct. Just the thought of extinction scares the shit out of me. I don't want the human race to be extinct. I want it to flourish, survive and procreate.
My mother, Abby is a doctor in the ark, well actually the only doctor which makes her one of the most important assets that the ark has ever had, came up with the idea to send 100 deliquents on earth to see if its survivable. Well, since everyone believes the earth isn't survivable, the idea was not welcomed
with open arms but still it had to be done for who knows when we'll run out of oxygen.The chanchellor, Jaha, a ruthless leader but will do anything to ensure the survival of his people agreed on the idea of sending 100 deliquents to the ground. Therefore, 100 deliquents were chosen. Well, I was definetly not among the deliquents but I voluntereed to go anyway since I had some medical skills passed on from my mother due to spending most of my time with her in the med bay treating patients. This devastated my mother, I was her only child and family, since my father was floated for treason. In the ark, any crime, however small may lead to floatation unless you're 18 years of age, that is when you are locked while waiting for your fate after the 18th birthday.
The day came when 100 of us were to be sent to the ground, I was scared and excited all at once. Scared that if re-entry does not kill us, then the radiation on the ground will definetly finish us off and excited that we are going to the ground, something that hasn't happened for over a century, and we get to do it first.
Before we left, we were all given wristbands that were supposed to send our vital signs back on the ark to show how our bodies will react to the radiation back on earth.We all got onto the dropship and strapped ourselves in when I had gunshots and a commotion ensured. Everything moved fast and before we knew it, we were on the air heading to the ground. I have always imagined this moment right here, going to the ground but whatever I imagined wasn't what I was experiencing, everything was burning, I suppose that was due to the reentry, from the corner of my eye I could see that some kids had been thrown away from their seats due to the speed that we were descending with and this made me hold on tighter to my seatbelts hoping that I wouldn't be one of them. Suddenly, I felt a pain on my head and as I drifted away I kept thinking that finally, this is it, I'm going to die.
Love x.o.x.o 🥰