Where I Come From

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Finn sat outside of the dropship, looking out over the camp gate. The moon had come up earlier and was just visible over the horizon. The camp had settled down around a fire and it seemed like a long time had passed from when Bellamy and Wells had their fistfight. It like it never happened. All Finn seemed to be thinking of was Clarke. Ever since he met her, he couldn't stop thinking about her. He regreted not going after her when she ran after Wells.

"The earth is really beautiful," a voice said which he recognized all too well since it belonged to Raven. Finn turned his face towards Raven, his eyes wide. He didn't know what to say. He had been avoiding her ever since she was brought to camp by Bellamy. He felt responsible for what happened on the ark when he thought she was floated because he had insisted she go spacewalking.

"I've really missed you, y'know, and I partly agreed to come down here hoping I'd see you again," Raven said.

"Raven...I.....," stuttered Finn. He didn't know what to say. Raven was here with him, and she was smiling at him. He was hoping atleast she'd be mad at him. That would have been better. He thought to himself.

"I know what you're thinking, that it was your fault, but it wasn't. I had a choice and I took it. What you did for me, was beautiful Finn. And I know you, you've been avoiding me because you think it was your fault but it wasn't."

"Raven," broke Finn. He couldn't contain the tears that had been threatening to fall ever since he saw Raven and now, they just started flowing down on his cheeks. Raven took him in her embrace and hugged him tightly assuring him that everything was okay. That they were okay. They had a chance to start anew on the ground. They get to be together again. Together. Finn thought and smiled. He loved Raven, he was her family and being here with her without the guilt of almost having her floated, made him happy but he still couldn't stop thinking about Clarke.

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