The Ark

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Abby's hands were red with blood, Jaha's blood who she had been operating on for hours on end trying to save his life even though assistant chancellor Kane opposed on using the few remaining medical resources on someone who seemed to be dying soon. During the departure of the 100 to the ground a guard caused a commotion and in the process shot chancellor Jaha on the stomach. They never got the guard who later turned out to be Bellamy Blake who was impersonating one of the guards so as to be able to get on the dropship with the rest of the 100.

Kane was angry at Abby for ignoring direct orders from his superior and ordered for her execution which she gladly accepted knowing that she had done her part at saving the chancellor. She was ready to be floated when suddenly a voice commanded everyone to stop. It was the chancellor himself who had woken up from his sleep after days of surgery and pardon Abby as a way to say thank you for saving his life.

The chancellor asked to be filled on the 100 and was taken to the command center where a huge screen stood at the front showing the faces, names and vital signs of the 100 on the ground. Jaha smiled after seeing that his son was still alive and well. Before the the 100 left, Wells had begged his father to be included in the list after hearing that Clarke will be going too. Despite the fact that the earth might still have high radiation levels, Wells still wanted to go saying that he needed to look out for Clarke, his bestfriend. His father was very proud at his son for being so loyal and brave, well and stupid considering if the atmosphere was toxic he would have died. His mother would have been so proud thought Jaha.

"So far we've lost almost half the vital signals of the kids, we think some might have removed their wristbands but believe that most of them might have survived including your son Wells and Clarke," said Abby interrupting Jaha's thoughts.

"That is great news, well done Abby we wouldn't have been able to achieve this without you," and with that he retreated to his chambers to have a rest.

The only way that the ark knew that the kids were alive was through the vital signs sent from the wristbands, they had no way of communicating with the ground just yet but Abby already had a plan.

Abby always wondered how mechanics work in their labs, the room was full of tools and sparks were flying everywhere. She went straight to the one person she was looking for.
"Raven, I need to talk to you in private," said loudly so as she could be hard by Raven who was busy trying to fix something that Abby didnt care to know about. There were many mechanics on the ark but Raven was by far the brightest of them all. She was almost Clarke's age which made Abby think of her daughter even more and that reminded her why she needed to do this.

"Hey Abby" responded Raven. She has always considered Abby like a mother because of how well she treated her. It was because of her that she was even able to get a spot into the mechanics lab.

"What is it?? I'm in the middle of fixing a—"
Abby stopped and said whatever she is fixing can wait, what she has to say is way more important.

"You want me to take a 2019 old rocket and go to earth?" Said a shocked Raven.

"Yes, its survivable and with you down there that gives them a chance to be able to communicate with us up here, with their families Raven," said Abby almost pleading.

Raven stared at Abby with eyes that
understood what she said, she herself never got to spent much time with her mother who was floated for stealing alcohol and the only person who she considers family is Abby.

Therefore, reuniting her with her daughter was something that she has to do after everything that Abby had done for her.
"Fine, I'll go to earth with this piece of crap" said Raven with a creeping smile.

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