The commander wasn't who they were expecting to find. Infront of them stood a young woman, almost their age. She was beautiful but her face was emotionless. She carried herself with authority and it was obvious that her people respected her. Guards stood beside her faces expressionless and heavily armed with swords and knives. They all had war paints on their faces like the one they saw on Lincoln.
"So you are the people who fell from the sky," began the commander. " Lincoln has told me much about your people."
The grounders spoke English like Clarke and her group but their accent was different. It was thick clearly indicating how different they were.
" Yes, and all we want is peace. You attacked one of my people and Lincoln informed us that you were planning an attack on us." said Clarke.
The commander smiled but the smile didn't quite reach her eyes. " Speaking of peace, your ship burned my people when it dropped and another ship bigger than the one you came with burned a whole village down, and you come here seeking peace."
" It was an accident and we didn' t know that they were other people down here." Clarke tried reasoning with the commander. " We could help each other you and I. My people have technology that can be of help to you and in return you can promise not to attack us."
" What exactly do you have to offer? We've been on the ground for years and didn't need your help and we sure don't need it now. My people don't need intruders in their territories and I assure you they will attack. I will help you though seeing it was an accident that your ship burned my people alive. Take your people and go far away from our territories. That is the only help that I will offer. In two days I want you out of my territory." The commander spoke calmly but her tone meant every word she said. " Gaius, escort our guests out of the compound, they have a journey to prepare for,"
" Please, we can't just leave,what do you want ? We'll do anything you ask of us," said a frustrated Octavia.
" O, you heard her, they don't need us here we———," began Bellamy but was cut short by Octavia.
"Just shut up Bel, ok," said Octavia and turned to face the commander. "We can share guns and medicines and other supplies that the ark came with. We only need peace commander."
" We don't need your guns, it was these kind of weapons that caused destruction of earth. Now please leave before I change my mind and have you burned at the stake."
The guard led them out of the commander's cabin and asked other guards to escort them away with orders to kill anyone who does not follow the commander's wishes for them to leave.
"Octavia," Lincoln called which made people turn to look at them. The grounders threw them glances clearly showing how unwelcomed they were and it made matters worse with Lincoln associating with them.
" How was the meeting?" questioned Lincoln.
"Well, your commander doesn't want us here, infact we're given two days to pack and leave or she will attack us." Said a frustrated Octavia.
" Im sorry Octavia, heda is very protective of her people and if she shows any interest in helping you it will be perceived as weakness by her people and she might end up loosing her throne." said Lincoln.
" What does heda mean?" Questioned Octavia, they had been hearing the grounders call their commander heda while they were at the grounders' camp.
" Heda means commander in Trigedasleg, you know with your guns you can convince heda to help fight alongside us against the mountain men."
"Who are the mountain men?" questioned Clarke who had been listening in on their conversation. Bellamy, Miller and Murphy were ahead of the group having their own plan of not leaving but holding their ground.
" They are people living in a bunker. They can't come outside unless they wear suits because of the radiation. Now, whenever they come outside, they take our people and steal their bloods and turn others into reapers."
Both Octavia and Clarke furrowed their eyebrows at the word reapers. " Reapers are grounders turned into some kind of monsters by the mountain men. They can't reason with anyone and they only attack. They act like soldiers for the mountain men."
" Wow, the mountain men seem like dangerous people to be dealing with," said Clarke. " There's a bunker up ahead after the river, is that where the mountain men live?
" You've been to their bunker before?" asked a surprised Octavia.
" Well, Bel and I," began Clarke and Octavia smiled. " You know you should really stop O."
" There it is again, you calling me O." said Octavia while grinning.
"Mount weather is where the mountain men live, right ?" said Clarke while staring at Lincoln.
"Yes, you help us stop them maybe heda will reconsider letting you stay in our territory." said Lincoln.
"Hey, what's the hold up guys?" said Bellamy while approaching his sister and Clarke.
"Well big brother, we might have a way to make heda let us stay." Said Octavia.