Life in the bunker was pleasant atleast that is what they thought at first. They were warmly welcomed and given the best treatment as guests but soon enough the sky people came to realize that they were more of prisoners to these mountain men rather than guests. As days went on, some of their people started missing not to be seen again.
" We need to leave this place, Cage said once everyone was fully healed we could go. I think now we should do that. " said Abby while pacing in their room. Being leaders, Abby, Kane and Jaha received special treatment. They were given their own room equipped with beds and other luxuries things that the rest of the sky people did not have.
" Abby is right, our kids are out there probably searching for us and they said days ago that they'd let us leave this place." said Jaha.
Kane was quiet the whole time not really saying what was on his mind. He had no kids of his own and had no rush to leave the place but Abby and Jaha were right. The place and everything about it felt off. They were told that they were guests but everywhere they go in the bunker, guards were trailing behind them.
" What do you think Kane?" said Abby pulling Kane away from his thoughts.
" Absolutely, we should leave. I mean what's the point of coming to earth if we'll be spending all the time underground." said Kane a smile on his face on the thought of being on the ground. A thought crossed his mind and his eyebrows furrowed. " There have been complaints from others claiming that some of their friends have gone missing. Something really off is going on here."
"Exactly the reason we should leave immediately. I'll go talk to Cage and inform him that we're ready to leave this place." Said Abby as she started leaving in search of Cage.
It didn't take long for her to find Cage. The moment she stepped out of her room, guards were already outside ready to hear her out. Cage was in his office, his eyes fixed intently on the screen infront of him. The moment he saw Abby walk in he smiled.
" There you are Abby." Said Cage while stretching out his arm for Abby to take it.
" My people have decided that it is time we leave. We really don't want to burden you and probably our kids are out there searching for us." said Abby face straight.
" Oh," began Cage. " Abby, you just got here, why are you in a rush to leave. You are our guests."
" Thank you for the hospitality Cage but it is time for us to leave,"
Cage sighed and called for the guards stationed outside his door. " Im sorry Abby but I can't let you leave. You may not know it but you are valuable to us. Guards take her and round up the rest of our guests and take them to the doctor."
"Cage, what is happening? What is the meaning of this? Abby yelled frantically as guards carried her by force away from the office.
Abby woke up to blinding white lights flashing before her eyes. She tried waking up but realized that her hands and feet were restrained. She panicked and began hysterically calling for help." No one can hear you from this level, atleast no one that can care enough to come save you." Said a woman wearing a coat. Probably a doctor. Abby thought. " My name is Dr. Lorelei Tsing and I hear you're a doctor too so you have to understand that whatever we do here is done so as to save our people and nothing personal."
Abby was confused. She had no idea what they actually did. " What do you do?" Questioned Abby.
" Well, its a project, called the Harvest which provides treatment for the mount weather residents from radiation exposure. For years it was achieved through blood transfusion using grounder captives as filters for the residents, this not only prevented further radiation damage but helped heal what had already occured."
" If grounders served your purpose, why do you need us now?" Questioned Abby.
"Great questioned Abby. We've come to learn that we can survive outside the mountain only if we use bone marrow from the sky people. You people truly are heaven sent. With so many of you, we can extract as many bone marrows which will enable my people to go up on the ground as its supposed to be." said Dr. Tsing calmly like whatever she was explaining was something normal.
" You can't do that, it will kill us." yelled Abby.
" As I said earlier. This is nothing personal. I just want my people to survive and Ill do anything to make sure that happens. Some of your people have already donated their bone marrows and they are now dead but we get to live and thats okay with me." said Dr. Tsing still expressing her calm demeanor. " Now I suggest you calm down, you'll only exhaust yourself. I'll begin performing various tests to see——why am I even explaining this to you?
Said Dr. Tsing while smiling. "You're a doctor afterall."