Days had passed now, counting the moons, I think 5 days have already passed and our supplies were already running low due to the fact that there was no rationing of the rations. The tall, dark haired boy had given a speech some days ago and said that we can do whatever the hell we want, whenever the hell we want. That is when it dawned to me, chancellor Jaha had said that once we landed we were to go to a millitary supply base which would still be intact from the nuclear war bombs where we could find more supplies to last us untill when the ark comes down.
I decided to look for Wells first and tell him, I searched around the camp and found him sitting under a tree with a girl, the girl was probably 12 and by the looks of it, Wells was telling her a funny story because the little girl couldn't hide her excitement.
"Wells" I called to announce my presence, immediately he looked at me and smiled. I have known Wells my whole life but I have always wondered what kept his spirits up even when there seems to be no hope. I guess that is one of the reasons why I love him so much and love being around him, because he always brings this light with him whenever he goes. Even after the tall, dark haired boy whose name I came to know is Bellamy Blake called him chancellor junior and said some pretty ugly stuff infront of many kids who I hoped would hate us but didn't because of Wells who managed to work his charms on them to the extent of convincing others not to take their wristbands off.
"Hey Griffin, everything okay?"He said while approaching me.
"We need to talk, somewhere private". He looked at me and nodded and said some words to the little girl, probably telling her that they would continue their story later.
"You mean to say we landed on the wrong side of the mountain??" Wells said mouth wide
"Yes," I replied for the 100th time, " and we need to go to mount weather, that is the only place we'll be able to get more supplies" I said already tired of explaining myself to Wells over and over again."We need to organize a search party, we can't go alone into the unknown, no one has been that far from camp," said Wells with so much excitement that made me smile,
"So, who do we ask to go with, unlike you, I'm not really friends with anyone," I said while eyeing him,
"Don't worry, I got it," He said and stormed off without another word and left me stunned. After a while he came with three boys, who introduced themselves as Jasper, Monty and Finn who had shoulder length hair and a cute smile which made me blush when he bowed downed and said at your service princess. Him calling me princess was different from when Bellamy called me. Finn called me with so much sweetness in his voice unlike Bellamy which made the name sound like it was blasphemous.
"What's going on here?," came a girl who I learnt was Bellamy's sister, she had dark hair like her brother but hers were long and straight and her eyes were green clear contrast from her brother's which were brown if I didn't know any better I'd say dark brown almost black which fit his personality perfectly.
"Well, my friends and I here are going to get more supplies from mount weather, unfortunately we happen to have landed on the wrong side of the mountain and Griffin figured it out." Said Wells with a smile on his face which made me roll my eyes and wonder if he ever gets tired of smiling at everyone and everything.
"Count me in, " said the girl with excitement in her voice which sounded adventurous and ready to dive into the unknown while all I could think of was how long the journey was going to be and if we'll really find any supplies or just loose more on a stupid trip.
"Octavia,"called Bellamy, I could see anger in his eyes while he approached us. Whenever I look at him I always wonder how he was brought up by his parents to end up with such a shitty attitude, looking at his sister right now, showed how different they were, he carried this air of gloominess while his sister carried this air of cheerfulness. They were so different.
" And where do you think you are going?" He said this to his sister while eyeing me like I am the one who made his sister want to go with us.
"Hey big brother, these guys are going to look for more supplies and I'm going with them," said Octavia with the same cheerfulness without caring the gloominess that her brother brought with him.
"Whose ideas was it?' He said still eyeing me, if stares had lasers, Id be dead by now. Finn, gently pushed me behind him and he was now eye to eye with Bellamy, finally someone who can see eye to eye with him, literally." As Octavia said, we're going to look for supplies at mount weather, or we'll run out of supplies soon, it doesn't matter whose idea it was," said Finn calmly, but his eyes said different which made Bellamy step back.
"How long is the trip, ??" Said Bellamy, for the first time I could see that he had eased up and was not tense.
"Half a day" I answered and he looked at me for a while and said nothing. He turned his back on us, said something to Octavia and left.
"Sooo, shall we go for an adventure??" Said an excited Octavia and we all laughed.