Heat licked at their sunburned faces and coiled around their limbs like a great hot-bloodied serpent. The ground smoldered and sent up a disorienting haze. Even the birds were silent and the grass stood still as if too hot to move. Nothing and no- one moved in this penetrating heat unless they were desperate, and they were. "Earth is really a weird place, y'know," said Finn to Clarke, who he was walking with, side by side.
"Tell me about it, one minute we're about to be swallowed by the rain and the next its this scorching sun ready to burn us alive." said Clarke.
They had been searching for Octavia for days now. There was no trace or any clue that could lead them to her. It was like she vanished in thin air.
The very first few days after her disappearance Bellamy went berserk but now he was just quiet. He didnt speak to anyone unless necessary and he kept to himself. Clarke wanted to be there for him but she knew better. All she did was watch him from afar and wish she could be there for him.
"Guys, we should really stop and rest, if we don't we'll soon burn to death." said Murphy while wiping away sweat from his face. They were drenched in sweat, it soaked the clothes on their backs like a foreign land. " Murphy's right guys, we should rest, I can barely breath," added Raven. The others nodded in agreement with the exception of Bellamy who was still moving forward like he hadnt heard whatever they said.
" Bellamy wait," Clarke called. Bellamy turned and faced her. "Clarke, Im not going to rest until I find my sister, you guys can rest.""Bellamy," said Clarke while taking his hand in hers. Normally, Bellamy would have flinched at the gesture but instead he let her take it. He needed the comfort especially from her. She didnt know it, but her company calmed him and he was hurt that when he needed it the most, she was keeping her distance from him.
" You need rest, you've barely had any sleep and——,"" Come with me Clarke," interrupted Bellamy.
Clarke was surprised at this request. " Come with me, I need you now, I know Im asking for too much but—–,"
" Ofcourse, Ill come with you," quickly responded Clarke. Bellamy was surprised but thankful. He expected her to deny his request but she didn't and he was washed over with relief.
"No way Clarke, you cant go with him," Wells said while shaking his head as a clear sign of denial.
" I wasn't asking for permission Wells, Im telling you Im going with him. He needs my help." said Clarke with a serious expression.She knew Wells was going to disagree with her but she had to go with him. He needed me. She smiled as she thought of his earlier words.
" Why are you smiling,?" questioned Wells clearly confused."Nothing, you guys go back at camp, and Raven work on the radio, we need to communicate with the ark, Ill go with Bellamy and we'll be back before you know it." said Clarke her voice filled with authority.
"Clarke, I don't think this is a good idea, I mean its Bellamy you're going with. What if he—–," Finn said.
" I trust him," Clarke snapped at him.
" You can't be serious," said Finn eyes wide.
" I am, and Im leaving. You guys go back and I'll meet you later." and with that Clarke sprinted off after Bellamy who had already left.