We Are Not-Not Alone

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The guns are slowing us down. Thought Clarke. " I'm beginning to think taking the guns with us to mount weather wasn't the best idea." uttered Bellamy.

"I know right," said Clarke. They had agreed to carry the guns to mount weather. "They are our most prized possessions now." Clarke had argued.

"We are almost approaching, there is a river up ahead," said Clarke.

"A river?" exclaimed Bellamy, " I've always imagined what it feels like to be fully submerged in water,"

"Me too," muttered Clarke.

" You've been to a river before Clarke, you should know," smirked Bellamy.

"In my defence, the water could be toxic, and full of weird organisms." said Clarke while smiling. She loved spending time with Bellamy. It made her happy and at peace. She was glad he was smiling now and it gave her a sense of satisfaction to know that part of it was because of her.

"What the—!!," exclaimed Bellamy.

"According to history books the world used to be 70% water, I wonder if its still that way anymore," said Clarke excitedly.

"I hope it still is, this is beautiful Clarke," said Bellamy while still admiring the view of the river as its waters flowed to an unknown destination."

It took them a while to finally cross to the other side of the river. All Bellamy wanted to do was submerge himself into the water but Clarke had insisted that they needed to get the supplies first then he could do whatever the hell he wanted.

"Mount weather was built under a mountain, there are supposed to be lots of supplies. Some had even said that it was built for the president." said Clarke to Bellamy. They had now reached a very huge metal door. It was closed and looked like it hadn't been opened for years. "What the hell do we do now?" question Bellamy who was clearly tired from all the walking.

"I don't know, I tho—–,"

"Clarke, look," said Bellamy while gesturing towards cameras that stood on both sides of the huge metallic door. "The cameras are working, how are they working?" Realization hit him hard, he glanced at Clarke only to find that she too had noticed. " There are people inside," uttered Bellamy.

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