Clarke woke up from her sleep. The bunker was empty. There was no sign of Bellamy anywhere. The outside was quiet now. It must have stopped raining. She thought. She quickly put on her clothes and ran outside. " Isn't the weather a funny thing?" muttered Bellamy. He was sitting under a tree with his head up observing the now clear sky, beside him lay loads of Colt M4A1 rifles. "Where did you get those?" questioned an amused Clarke with excitement in her voice.
"Apparently, the bunker had an old weapons storage cache that was hidden over a century prior to our landing. It was an old military base. I wonder how many bunkers are there?" Questioned Bellamy clearly to himself.
"Do they work?" asked Clarke.
Bellamy chuckled and replied, now staring at Clarke, " well, the rifles still function but much of the ammunition has gone bad."
"Finally, we have weapons, the grounders won't scare us anymore," muttered Clarke.
"I plan on leaving with Octavia once we're back at camp," uttered Bellamy. Clarke's face suddenly fell.
"I figured once the rest of the ark comes down, I'll be executed for what I did to Jaha."
Clarke felt like she'd been slapped on the face. The thought of not seeing Bellamy every single day plagued her. I don't like it. She thought. " Where will you go? What about the grounders? How will you survive? What about the kids back at camp?" mentioned Clarke.
Bellamy smiled at her," the kids back at camp don't need me, they have you, you care for them, ever since we landed that is the only thing that has been on your mind, how you're going to keep everyone alive and I admire you for that Clarke. I really do. All I care about is my sister and I."
Clarke approached Bellamy under the tree and sat beside him," please don't leave me Bellamy," she pleaded. " I need you, we all do, you might not see it but you've done good. The kids look up to you and they listen to you. Don't leave, we'll figure something out."
She took her hand in his and squeezed it as a sign of reassurance. Bellamy stared at the person right infront of him and wondered what he ever did to deserve such a person in his life. Someone who saw the good in him even when he thinks of himself as a broken man.
Bellamy sighed, " Okay, I'll stay."
Clarke smiled and muttered a thank you.