The room was filled with tension. No one is ever really ready to go to war. Not even the grounders. On her way to the meeting, Clarke noticed the fear in their eyes. Their families. She thought. " It must be scary to know that you might lose a loved one during war." Clarke said to Bellamy who was walking beside her. They had walked in silence from his room, not the awkward silence. They were comfortable with having sex but not comfortable enought to talk about it. They'd agreed too much was at stake at the moment to think what their actions meant. " They understand Clarke, they have been at war their whole lives." Bellamy said.
Lexa was already at the meeting with her warriors beside her. Clarke admired their strength, unlike the grounders they saw outside, Lexa and her warriors expressed nothing. They were so calm for people who were about to go to war with the mountain men.
" I know you're all scared and not ready for war but we have to do this for our people." Lexa said nonchalantly. " Victory stands on the back of sacrifice. Bellamy and Lincoln, I hope you're both ready for this."
Lincoln responded with a " yes heda" while Bellamy only nodded.
" Let's just go over the plan, okay?" Said an impatient Wells. Clarke glanced at her bestfriend who was clearly upset and guilt washed over her. She hasn't really been there for Wells at his time of need. Looking at him now, she noticed his sunken eyes surrounded by dark circles indicating clearly his lack of sleep. All she has been doing lately is think of Bellamy. Even at this moment her mind was fixed on Bellamy and what might happen to him. Love is weakness. Lexa's words echoed in her mind again.
" We can't surely rely on two people alone to be able to get us inside," Said Finn nervously while glancing at the rest of the group. " I mean what if they get caught."
The thought of Bellamy caught and drained off blood shattered Clarke's heart. " They won't." Said Clarke too quickly for her liking. " Lincoln has been there before and managed to escape."
" It was sheer luck." Said Indra. " This mission is suicidal heda."
" It's the only way we get our people back Indra. This has to be done. Sacrifice the few to save the many." Said Lexa while eyeing Clarke as if telling her she has to let Bellamy go and do this for them.
" If Bellamy and Lincoln manage to get ahold of a radio while inside, we can communicate with them." Said Raven.
" And how will they get the radios?" Questioned Wells.
" The guards have radios inside. I have an inside man. She will help me."
" And you believe this girl will help you again?" Questioned Lexa.
" Yes heda."
" Good, today we celebrate. Make peace with your loved ones for tomorrow might be your last." Said Lexa calmly. " You may all go now and prepare yourselves for war. Clarke a word before you go."•—————————————————•
On their way out of the room, Octavia called Bellamy. She was scared of losing her brother to this war that she didn't want to be apart of. If it were up to her, she would run far away with her brother but knew that was impossible. This was their home now and they had to fight for it." Bell, I'm scared." Said Octavia to her brother.
Bellamy stared at her sister. At this moment Octavia seemed so vulnerable and it reminded him the moments she had to hide under the floor to evade the ark guards. He hated his time on the ark. He hated what the council forced them to endure and here he was ready to go head-on and save them." Remember what I used to tell you O , when I'd tell you to hide under the floor?" Said Bellamy with furrowed brows. This is something they both hated remembering. Octavia only nodded to indicate she remembered.
" Now, whenever you're scared, just say the words, okay? And I' ll be fine O, I promise." Said Bellamy while pulling his sister in for a hug. Octavia silently began whispering the mantra that had helped her through her worst situations Im not afraid.
" I'm sorry to ruin a family moment but can we talk please," Said Clarke interrupting the Blake's hug while gazing at Bellamy.
"Sure Griffin," Said Octavia while leaving. " Find me later big brother."" What is it Clarke?" Questioned Bellamy curtly. Clarke only raised her eyebrows and motioned for him to follow her.
" What is it Lexa?" Questioned Clarke. She knew what this was about but decided to act unaware.
" Bellamy,"
" Lexa, I ---," Began Clarke but was cut off by Lexa.
" Clarke, you are a leader and you've done a good job so far but if you keep on like this, it won't end well."" What do you want me to do Lexa? Bellamy is one of my people, I must worry about him."
Lexa only stared at Clarke without saying anything." Okay, we've kissed a couple times and had sex. That is all there is." Said Clarke while rolling her eyes.
" If you want this mission to be well executed, you need to tell him how you feel. His mind needs not to be with you but with the mission. I wont let you two ruin this Clarke. I see the way you act whenever we talk about them going inside the bunker." Said Lexa calmly.
" Whatever I have with Bellamy wont ruin the mission. My mother is inside that bunker and I wont let anything or anyone jeorpadize her life. Now can I go." Said Clarke harshly.
" Ofcourse," Replied Lexa with a smile. " Remember Clarke, love is weakness."
" What is it Clarke?" Questioned Bellamy once they were in his room. As much as he enjoyed Clarke's company, he wasnt in the mood for one at the moment." Just wanted to check on you and see how you're doing." Said Clarke while sitting beside him.
" Im doing great Clarke, it's your friend Wells that isnt you should really check on him, y'know." Said Bellamy. Clarke's face fell and guilt washed over her again. She'd forgotten about Wells again because of Bellamy. Love is weakness. Lexa's words echoed in her mind once more. All she thinks of is Bellamy. Maybe Lexa is right.
Clarke stood up abruptly." Okay Bell, if there's anything you need. Come find me." And with that she left the room leaving Bellamy puzzled.
The moment Clarke closed Bellamy's door Finn called her name.
" Hey Clarke, Ive been looking for you everywhere." Said Finn while approaching her as she stood outside Bellamy's door.
" What do you want Finn?" Clarke sighed as she began walking away from him.
" Just wanted to apologize Clarke, that is all." Said Finn.
" You're forgiven, now if you'll excuse me."
" What were you doing in Bellamy's room anyway.?"
Clarke stopped in her tracks," None of your business Finn, just leave me be please." And off she left leaving Finn.As Clarke left Finn deciced this was as a good time as any to go have a word with Bellamy.
" Hey Bellamy, a word please." Said Finn while already walking in Bellamy's room. Bellamy was lying on his bed facing the ceiling, clearly deep in thought.
" It's about Clarke,"
" What about her?" Bellamy replied without taking his eyes off the ceiling.
" I love her dude. And I hear you have a thing for her. Now we all know your reputation. You're not one to be in a committed relationship. So please just stay away from her."
Bellamy chuckled and sat on his bed. " She' ll have to tell me that herself dude. Now, please leave before I make you." Said Bellamy and went back to his position.
" Okay, dude meditate or whatever." Said Finn as he slammed Bellamy's door.