Back at camp everyone was tense. The plan relied on Bellamy and Lincoln infiltrating the bunker and if they failed then the mountain men could retaliate. The grounders knew too well what the mountain men were capable of. They had been at war with them for generations and were unable to defeat them due to the advanced weapons they possessed.
" Ive contacted Murphy. The others have gone to the ark and set camp there. Once we rescue our people, we'll join them. Monty and Miller are on their way here too." Raven said to Clarke. The sky crew communicated via radios that they salvaged from the ark.
Clarke nodded without saying a word. Her mind drifted to Bellamy. What if he dies there? Clarke thought to herself.
"They'll pull through Clarke. Have some faith." Raven said to Clarke drawing her attention.Clarke scoffed," Some faith won't help me stop worrying Raven. We shouldn't have let them go."
" Hey, Bellamy wanted this. You need to trust that he can pull it off."
Clarke gave Raven a weak smile before heading to Wells' direction." Hey, may I?" Clarke said to Wells, gesturing at an empty seat beside him. Wells nodded and patted the empty space gesturing for Clarke to join him.
" How are you feeling?"
" Im trying to feel better Clarke. Though, honestly... God! how do you do it? You're so strong." Wells exclaimed." Im just trying to stay positive and hope for the best. That is all." Clarke said to Wells. In truth, she'd been breaking ever since Bellamy left but she couldnt let her bestfriend or anyone see that. She was a leader and her people looked up to her now. I have to stay strong for them.
" Don't worry Wells, we'll get through this. I trust Bellamy."
Wells chuckled," Ofcourse you do. You always have. Even when the rest of us didn't. You love him, don't you?"
Clarke looked down unable to reply. She knew she felt something for Bellamy but didn't want to admit that it was love. Love is weakness. The words echoed in her mind.
" Hey," Wells took her hands in his." There's nothing to be ashamed of. Love is a beautiful thing. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise."
Clarke nodded and pulled Wells in for a hug. She thanked her lucky stars for letting her meet with Wells in this lifetime. She could never imagine life without him. He was her safety blanket.•——–—————————•
When Bellamy and Lincoln reached the reaper mines entrace, Bellamy noticed the hesitance in Lincoln but decided not to press on, not wanting to make matters worse for him. He knew Lincoln was on the drugs once and assumed being back here brought back all the worst memories considering he remembered all that he did while on the drug.
While halfway into the entrace, Lincoln stops on his tracks," Bellamy, I cant do this man."" Yes, you can Lincoln. We have to do this."
", I have to leave this place." Lincoln started leaving when suddenly noises come from outside interrupting them." Its the reapers, they are back from their raiding party. Pretend you're my captive." Lincoln says hurriedly to Bellamy while holding him like a prisoner and marching with the rest of the reapers with their captives to an underground entrance that led to Mount Weather.
Once inside, Bellamy and the other captives are marked for harvesting while one of the guard calls on the reapers for their red drug shot.
Lincoln stares at Bellamy with regret as he goes forward to get the shot. Bellamy slightly nods at him, signaling that he understood what he was going through. This is all my fault. Bellamy thought to himself. He knew Lincoln might have a relapse but pushed him anyways and now he was back on the drug.