Each skaikru was given their own room. The rooms were small but comfy. They were given the opportunity to rest and wait for the time of the meeting. Clarke sat in her room on her bed thinking about her mother and what was happening to her. What if she has already been drained? She thought and tears began filling he eyes threatening to fall off her cheeks. A knock on the door brought her back to reality.
" Clarke, its me. Let me in." Wells said from outside.
" Come on in," responded Clarke, voice breaking. Even though they had an argument earlier, she was glad her bestfriend came in her room. At this moment, she really needed a shoulder to cry on. The moment Wells entered her room, he knew that something was bothering her. Without asking, he went and hugged her while patting her back.
" Im sorry about earlier Clarke. I was being a jerk." Wells apologized.
" It's okay wells, I understand how you feel," Clarke said while looking at Wells. "Just dont yell at me again, okay?" Clarke said with a playful tone. Being with Wells was always a good time for Clarke. She loved her bestfriend and was glad they could get past the argument.
" You should speak with Finn though, I think he feels miserable after what he did to you," Wells said. He was angry at Finn for what he did to Clarke but he was his friend and he saw how sorry he was earlier when he was telling Raven about it. "I know its not my place to say anything but please......,"
" Okay, okay, I will speak to him but only if he apologizes for his actions." Said Clarke.
The door was suddenly busted open, they both jumped thinking it was one of the grounders.
" Bellamy what the hell? You could have knocked," Wells complained. Bellamy only smirked. " Sorry to interrupt but could I speak to Clarke in private."Wells was about to say something but Clarke interrupted him," It's okay Wells, you can leave us." She could already feel a knot forming in her stomach. The thought of her with Bellamy in a room alone didn't seem like a great idea.
" Sure thing Griffin," Wells said and left them alone.
Clarke never thought of herself as the shy type but being here with Bellamy after having sex with him felt awkward. She didn't know how to react and Bellamy wasn't making things easier by staring at her without saying anything. She hesitantly looked up at him.
The swirls of emotion she saw there made her gasp. Lust and desire. However, before she could ponder it further, Bellamy yanked her to him and covered her mouth with his in a hungry kiss. As their lips crushed together, she felt like she was on air. It was magic, the way his lips connected with hers. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than she could have imagined and she opened her mouth with a low moan.
Bellamy held her gently, cupping her face with one hand. He leaned down and sofly kissed the tender area at the base of her neck. Clarke's body went rigid with surprise as trembles shook her body and the euphoric warmth blossomed within her once more. Clarke was breathless with delight as he showered her with gentle, soft kisses, each with its own flicker of warmth. Clarke gazed up at him, thrilled beyond words to be the recipient of his affection. He drew back again and spent a moment to study her face. Clarke felt her blush deepen under his scrutiny. Bellamy gazed at her lovingly, his eyes softening with tenderness before sparking with something else. He tilted her head to the side and kissed her, his lips demanding. Clarke felt a smoldering heat within her as Bellamy's grip tightened, crushing her body to his, gentle yet firm. He slanted her head further, deepening the kiss.
" Clarke are you in there?" Octavia called from outside. " The meeting's about to start, you better hurry."
Bellamy cursed under his breath, he'd never hated his sister more. Clarke chuckled at Bellamy's reaction. " Um we better get going Bell." Clarke said to Bellamy who was still holding her firmly.
" We're not done here princess," Bellamy said with a smirk.
He'd not called her princess for a while now. Hearing it at this moment made her flash a smile so wide as they left for the meeting.
The meeting was held in the commander's hall. Skaikru together with some grounder warriors were present ready to formulate a plan of attack and get their people back. Clarke couldn't think straight, her thoughts kept going back to Bellamy's words we're not done here princess. Guilt coursed through her veins, she was being selfish. All she wanted at the moment was Bellamy. She focused her eyes on Bellamy who had a serious face. Gazing at him made her realize that she had feelings for him. The thought of loving him frightened her. What if he doesn't love me back? She thought to herself." Clarke, a leader needs to stay focused for her people. We can't afford to lose to the mountain men." Said Lexa pulling Clarke away from her thoughts.
" Yeah sure, Raven, what have you got for us?" Said Clarke to Raven hoping she already figured something out.
" According to Lincoln, there is a tunnel that leads inside the bunker but it is heavily guarded by reapers," the mention of reapers was received with some murmurs from the grounders.
" Silence," Lexa commanded," Raven, carry on." She spoke with so much authority sometimes it was hard to believe she was just a young girl but she barked orders to people older than her and they followed. They must respect their commander so much. Thought Clarke.
"We need an inside man, someone who can get past the reapers to our people and then maybe from there we can be able to shut down the acid fog." Raven said while observing the crowd.
"No one has ever gotten past the reapers commander, this is a suicidal mission," said one of Lexa's warriors named Indra.
"Not necessarily though heda, if the inside man can get himself captured and taken inside, there may be a chance of shutting down the acid fog." Chimed in Lincoln. Lincoln was one of the few grounders who were captured and turned into reapers but managed to escape. It took him a long time to recover to the point his people considered ending his misery by killing him but Lexa objected and had hope that he will pull through. " The tunnels are heavily guarded but not by the mountain men. The reapers guard the tunnels and they are dangerous but they don't have minds of their own anymore. Get past them, you're in."
" Now, who will be our inside man?" Questioned Lexa. The moment she asked, all her warriors volunteered to go inside the bunker.
" I'll go," They all turned to the voice. It was Bellamy. He'd been quiet throughout the meeting thinking. This is the time to redeem myself from my sin of shooting the chancellor.
" No way Bellamy," Clarke said without really thinking. " I mean you're not really familiar with the bunker." Everyone was now staring at her and she felt vulnerable.
" Seems like there is a disagreement between skaikru, my people will choose their inside man. I suggest you choose yours too Clarke. This meeting is over. You should all prepare yourselves. War is coming." Said Lexa. "You may all leave except Clarke."
When everyone was out Clarke began, " what is it?" She was trying hard to read her expression to no avail. She'd come to realize most grounders if not all did not express their emotions infront of others. She kept thinking maybe it's what they are taught from an early age.
" As a leader, it's important not to show any signs of weakness, especially infront of your subjects." Lexa said.
"What are you talking about Lexa? Questioned Clarke while fidgeting with her fingers.
"Bellamy," Lexa said which made Clarke gasped," He voluntereed to go and you immediately stopped him."
" I would have stopped any of my people, I care about them." Clarke tried reasoning with her. " Showing that you care for someone isn't weakness."
" Your enemies will use the love you have for your people against you. Go meet with your people Clarke and decide who will be your inside man." And with that she stood and left leaving Clarke alone thinking what she had just told her.