We Are Not Alone

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Dizziness washed over Bellamy, as if all air has been sucked out of his lungs. He couldn't believe what he was hearing from Finn who was explaining about the presence of other human beings on earth. His mind drifted to Octavia, who had been with the group earlier. What if it had been her who was shot with the spear and not Jasper?, what would he have done?. He blamed himself for leaving his sister to go out alone with some strangers and vowed not to repeat the same mistake ever again.

"Dude, are you even listening?" Wells interrupted Bellamy's thoughts of his sister.

"What are we going to do now, there are other humans on earth and clearly, they are not so pleased with us invading their homes," chimed in Monty who had sad eyes, thinking of his best friend and brother. He and Jasper had met on the ark and bonded over their love of pot which eventually led them to be locked up in the sky box. He was his brother not by something accidental as blood but something much stronger, by choice. The thought of him lying in the dropship fighting for his life killed him.

Bellamy sighed and finally said, " we have to be prepared to fight back, I'm sure this won't be the last time that they attack us and from now onward no one goes out on their own and there should be people to keep watch every night and day for any suspicious movements on the perimeter."

"What about the supplies at mount weather? We still need to get them." said Clarke from behind.
They hadn't noticed her presence and didn't know that she was listening in on their conversation.

"One problem at a time princess" said Bellamy. Clarke stared at him, not that he had said anything new, but the way he said it. He called her princess not in a mocking, spiteful way but in a way that showed respect, if she didn't know any better, she'd say she heard a hint of sweetness into his voice when he mentioned the word princess.

Clarke moved closer towards them and said, " we need those supplies at mount weather, and we need them soon or else we run out of supplies and I don't think we' ll be able to defend ourselves from this groun—"

" The what now?" interrupted Wells with a smile as usual which made Clarke roll her eyes.

"Grounders, they live on the ground, so they are grounders." finished Clarke.

" Come to think of it, so are we now and I'm not going to let some savages change that" said Bellamy with a smirk and turned on his heels and left. It was the first time that Clarke had seen Bellamy genuinely smile and couldn't help but think to herself how happiness might actually look good on this poor soul that has probably experienced so much torture. Deep down she hoped that maybe one day she can be the cause of the smile again. She convinced herself she wanted to do this so as to redeem herself from her parents' sin back on the ark. Little did she know.

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