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 'Mom! Where are you? Hurry! We're late!' Kayden screamed from the bottom of the staircase. He fixed his jacket, flattening down the collar before hunching over and tying his shoelaces.

'I'm coming, I'm coming! Hold your horses!' Kaycee shouted, walking down the stairs in a full, fancy outfit. She had lightly applied some makeup, glossing her lips and covering her eye bags , as well as wearing something so beyond her station, it made her itch.

'Where are you going? To the Grammys?' Kayden questioned, looking perplexed at his mom. The last time he saw his mom all dressed up was...well never.

'Oh, quit it. I just thought I'd dress up today. You know, look nice' she explained, smiling at herself in the mirror.

'Sure' Kayden teased, sarcasm dripping from his voice.

'You better quit that or you went be going' Kaycee warned playfully, dabbing her makeup with her thumb. She pulled down her shirt a little bit more too look a tad bit more modest before lacing her black boots.

'Please just hurry, I don't want to be late' Kayden sighed, impatiently waiting at the door step. It and been four days since Cora had came over with Sean, and ever since Kaycee and been more conscience about her appearance. Dressing up to go to the supermarkets or even just for a walk in case she accidently bumped into a dark haired boy.

Today, was the day Kayden was going over to her place. He had decided he was going to take the bus seeing as his mom probably wouldn't want to wake up early on a Sunday to drop him off, but she was so eager and practically jumped at the opportunity. Now, she was currently all dressed up so that maybe Sean could see a better looked side of her. The only problem was that they we're going to Cora's house, which meant Sean mightn't be there. But he did mention that him and Julian were close friends, so who knows.

'Get in the car, Kayden. I'll just grab my keys' she said hurriedly. She grabbed her car keys, spinning it on her fingers before hopping in and driving to Cora's house using the address Kayden had given her.

'Please don't embarrass me, mom' Kayden pleaded. 'And don't stay for too long'

'Okay, you've told me a million times' she sighed, taking in a deep breath when she saw that they were only two minutes away from their destination.

'And you haven't agreed!' Kayden groaned, slumping back in his seat.

Kaycee took one hand of the wheel, using it to ruffle the boy's hair lightly.

'Mom, I just did my hair' he whined, opening his phone camera to redo it. Kaycee laughed at him, recalling her first ever high school date.

'You good! We're here' she stifled a laugh. He hummed in response, as Kaycee leaned over and buttoned his top button.

'Stop doing that' Kayden complained, opening it back up. 'This is style'.

Kaycee rolled her eyes, letting her son live his life before she opened her car door and got outside.

'Remember what I told you, okay?' Kayden whispered, as the two of them rang the doorbell. Kaycee pinched his cheeks, cooing at him until the door flung wide open.

'Hi Kayden' Cora greeted, waving them inside. 'Hello, Miss Rice'.

'Hello dear. How are you?' Kaycee smiled, biting the inside of her lip as she prayed that Sean was here. 'Come in'.

Kayce entered the house along with Kayden, admiring the dance stickers and trophies cast in glass cases, as well as the multiple pictures of family and who Kaycee presumed was Cora's dad and Sean.

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