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'Don't ever leave me' Kaycee pleaded jokingly, munching on the breakfast Bailey had prepared. 'This is gold'.

'Yeah, don't ever leave. I don't think I can handle another day with burnt pasta' Kayden laughed, stuffing his face with food, as crumbs fell from his lips. 

'Gosh, you're still a baby' Kaycee cooed, wiping his cheeks with a napkin. She let a little giggle out at the thought of him being so baby around her but acting so grown up around Cora.

'I called Cora over, I hope that's okay' Kayden hummed, unfazed by the sudden cough that left Kaycee's lips.

'Y-yeah, that's fine. Totally... but can I ask why?' Kaycee questioned, re-composing herself and ignoring the smirk Bailey sent her.

'Just missed her' he shrugged his shoulders, placing his dish into the dishwasher before leaving for upstairs.

'Aww' Bailey cooed. 'He misses her' her hands wrapped around the other and she was cooing silently.

'He's my son and he's managed to find someone' Kaycee joked, trying to push the thought of Sean possibly dropping Cora off out of her mind.

'And you will too' Bailey encouraged, giving Kaycee's hand a squeeze from the other side of the table.

'Yeah totally. That is of a perfectly normal human wants to marry a goblin' she laughed, snorts leaking through. Bailey shook her head, rolling her eyes. She was so oblivious to her own beauty.

'So... why were you blushing?' Bailey teased, swirling her tongue inside her mouth.

'I was not' Kaycee scoffed, over dramatically crossing her arms above her chest. 

'Is Sean gonna come over?'

'I don't know. How am I supposed to know? Bails, stop' she huffed, purposely making loud noises with the dishwasher and plates as he tried to ignore her.

'I think he is' Bailey continued, already slightly jumping in the air. As the words left her mouth, Kayden jumped downstairs, clad in a shirt, denim jacket and jeans.

'You changed?' Kaycee questioned, relieved that the questions would be off her.

'Mhm. Gotta look nice' he blushed, for once buttoning up the top button. He brushed his fingers through his hair, fluffing it up slightly as the curls fell over his eyes. 'What were you talking about?'

'Sean and your mom. I think he might come by to drop your girlfriend off' Bailey wiggled her eyebrows. Kayden started at the mirror, a smile creeping it's way onto his lips.

'He is' he smirked, winking at himself in the mirror.

'What?!' Kaycee lent forward, holding onto her son's arm as she started at him in shock. 'He is?'

'Mhm. I texted Cora and asked if Sean could drop her off, so that you two could chat ' he explained, trying his best to stifle a laugh. He sent Bailey a wink as she played along.

'You did not' Kaycee gasped, hand over her mouth.

'He sure is' he replied, sarcasm laced in his voice but Kaycee was too in shock to realise.

Bailey covered her mouth, squirming in her spot before the giggles came through and she hunched over in laughter. Kayden soon followed, slapping his thigh as the laughter rolled through his system.

'What?' Kaycee asked dumbfounded.

'He's not actually coming over. I was just joking' Kayden laughed, pointing a finger at Kaycee. 'I can't believe you believed that'.

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