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A few weeks later...

Surprisingly over the next couple of weeks, Sean and Kaycee had gotten a lot closer. Kayden attended dance classs, still basically avoided Sean but gave him a half smile every now and then. Kayden tried to stay calm and not overthink situations again, but he couldn't help but feel hopeful every time Sean's cheeks curtained red or Kaycee played cards with him as if they had known each other for years.

 It all started with them often bumping into each other at the house managing stores, which brought them looking for separate houses together. It started with Kaycee joining Sean and vice versa. Of course, Kaycee stuck to her distancing rule but would sometimes on the rarely, shuffle to his side. Some mangers even called them 'cute' or 'lovely couple' and that only increased Kaycee's need to be away from him. But he had reassured her that they were just friends. Something thing that she didn't realise had brought some kind of sadness to her.

Sean had listened more attentively than anyone Kaycee had ever met. There was kindness in his smile, a gentleness. It was the smile of one who laughed with ease and saw the good in everyone. He was the kind of person who lived how he believed people should, as if he were sunshine that only radiated from the best aspects of those he met, their flaws entirely invisible to his gaze. He was a calm sea, dancing birdsong and the new buds of spring. Yet, most of all, he was now Kaycee's friend.

At this point, Kaycee had felt much more comfortable in his presence. This didn't mean she didn't get flustered...But she was able it look at him directly in the eyes for five seconds without her heart melting and she was able to talk to him about anything. Real progress here, if you ask me.

Today, the two were over at her house. Kayden was off at school, once again leaving chirpily in the morning knowing that she was hanging out with Sean today. And Kaycee had to practically beg bailey not to come over to prevent Sean fro hearing her embarrassing comments.

'Watcha making?' Sean questioned. He stood behind Kaycee, hands on the counter with her body in the middle. She was somewhat used to his unnecessary touches. She Abdul learned that he was like this to most people. But needless to say, her heart would beat faster and the butterflies at the he pit of her stomach would erupt.

'Nothing' she giggled, showing him that she was holding a phone in her hand.

'You should cook'

'If you've learned anything from our conversations is that I can't cook. Remember, when I burnt curry and cut my finger? Isn't that enough of a sign that I shouldn't be in a kitchen?'

Kaycee heaved herself up and sat on the counter, her eyes trained keenly on the hand Sean laid on top of her knee the other beside her leg, while he smiled down at her. It was odd for her to make a connection so 'fast', to give her trust so easily, tentative though it was. There was something in the way he talked, a warmth, a genuineness, a softness of spirit she just couldn't pass up. He listened like he was absorbing her words, not simply getting her 'turn' over and done with so he could return to some other topic. The more time she spent with him the more her spirit lifted, and the more she was falling in love.

'You just need a good teacher' Sean said smartly, raising his head and punching her shoulder softly.

'Cocky, aren't we?' Kaycee laughed, switching her phone off as she took a short glance up at him. 'Fuck you and your overly attractive face' Kaycee thought in a whisper.

'You think I'm attractive?' Sean rose a brow, one side of his lip tugging upwards.

 Kaycees eyes grew as wide as saucers, fingers drumming om her thigh as she tried to think for an answer. She bowed her head down, finding the drawstrings of her sweatpants extremely interesting as she pulled it longer and tied random shaped bows with it. For a split second, she though of confessing her feelings...but when she caught his eyes through her peripheral vision, she was at a loss for words again.

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