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'Are you sure I'm not supposed to come in with you? Everybody else's parents are here' Kaycee said wearily, as she waited at the car door with her eyes focused on the children entering the dance studio with their parents tagging along.

'Mom, it's fine. They're probably just dropping them off' Kayden sighed, about to close the door fort the nth time before Kaycee kept it open with her foot.

'Then let me drop you off' Kaycee hastily jumped to his side within seconds.

'Mom' he complained, feeling a sudden wave of embarrassment as she held onto his hand tightly and led him in.

'Sorry, sorry. Jesus, kids these days get embarrassed by everything' she joked, ruffling the top of his head before he slapped her hand away.

'Hey there, Kayden, good to see you back at the studio again' Julian smiled, opening the door for him. Kayden laughed awkwardly, biting the inside of his lip as he kept his gaze solely focused on his shoelaces. 

'Could I ask why there are so many parents here?' Kaycee questioned, seeing a whole line of mom and dads chatting away in the corridors.

'The kids are showing their dances today. Kayden doesnt have to do it if he doesn't feel comfortable seeing as he wasn't here for awhile, but he's more than welcome to try' Julian replied, patting the young boy's shoulder.

'Oh, I see...I told you I should have came in with you' she bent down and whispered in his ear. Her son rolled his eyes, not admitting that he was wrong. 

'The rest of your friends are in the studio. You can make your way there' Julian stated, and off Kayden went as he ran down the allway and into the studio. Kaycee turned on her heels, ready to join the other parents before Julian held onto her elbow. 

'Chloe wanted me to make sure that I asked you if everything was okay with Kayden being collected by Miles' he spoke.

'Yeah, everything was fine. No worries' she brushed it off, smiling sweetly at him before standing lone in the group of parents. 

Truth be told, Kaycee wasn't fond of most parents there. Most of them were either stuck-up, prissy parents ready to spoil their children with the highest branded items every day or others were simply judgmental, judging her very action, word and ways and gossiping it to every parent, teacher and person in the valley. So therefore, she leaned against the wall, pulling out her phone as she slowly began getting lost on social media.

'Hey!' The deep, husky voice brought her back to reality and she nearly dropped her phone as she composed herself.

'Hi, Sean' she smiled bashfully, pocketing her phone. She didn't miss the confused stares, scowling and gossiping going on behind her back. You'd think that grown ups would be be more mature and less like the chicks from gossip girls.

'Haven't seen you in awhile' he smiled at her, raising a brow. 'Is Kayden here?'

'Yeah-uh he actually is. I think he left for the dance studio' she answered, swirling her tongue inside her mouth.

'Is he okay? I know that his dad collected him last night and-he wasn't exactly sober and all' Sean started.

'Yeah-yeah he's fine.' Kaycee replied, embarrassed that he had to see not only her ex-husband but her drunk ex-husband

'I'm gonna go head back into the office. I'll see you maybe after?'

'Yeah-sure' Kaycee waved awkwardly, resuming her activity on staring at her phone screen, that is until a young mom decided to butt into her business.

'Is he your boyfriend or husband?' The lady asked, peeking over Kaycee's shoulder and into her private space bubble.

'Who?' Kaycee asked dumbly, her brows creasing together in a frown.

'The guy who was talking to you. Tall. Handsome' she stated as a matter of fact.

'Oh-you -oh Sean? Yeah, no. He said just a f-friend' she replied. The lady smirked, rolling her eyes as she returned to her group of friends and snickered about Kaycee.

'Moms and dads, Sean and I present to you your kids dancing' Julian announced in posh accent before everyone laughed at his poor choice of words. Julian opened the dance studio doors, welcoming in the parents as they filed inside and waved dramatically at their kids as if they were the new gen z celebrities.

Sean was seated beside the music, back facing the audience as he turned the volume up and some kids shuffled out and presented their dance. Kaycee could see Kayden sitting down the back, knee brought up it his chest as he watched his friend dancing but mostly his eyes focused on Sean's back.

She could tell that he was nervous and most likely not going to end up danicng but she still stayed and watched the rest of the kids. Some parents were even rude enough to leave as soon as their kid finished dancing. And by the last three kids, there were barely 10 parents in the room.

'Thank you all' Julian said unsurely as he stared at the leftover people in the room. He clapped his hands and everyone was soon dismissed from the class leaving only Kayden, Cora, Julian, Sean and another woman who she presumed was someone's mother. Kayden instantly ran up to Kaycee, pulling at her sleeve as he gestured to leave the studio.

'Let's just say bye, then we can go, yeah?'

Kayden groaned, but stayed hidden behind Kaycee-like a shy kid approaching a stranger- as she approached Julian and Cora first.

'That was really incredible seeing everyone dance' Kaycee complimented. 'Cora, you were absolutely amazing'.

'Thank you' she smiled, holding onto Kayden' arm and dragging him to the side of the room.

'Yeah, it's just shame that some parents are only interested in their own kids' Julian shook his head as he stared at the bare classroom.

'Yeah, some just don't grow up' Kaycee laughed, covering her mouth.

Kayden reappeared at her side, and Cora waved him a small goodbye. She was ready to turn on her heels and talk to Sean for a quick second before her eyes met the girl who she previously presumed was somebody's mother. Well, she was sure that it wasn't someone's parents anymore as she looped her arms around Sean's neck and pressed kisses along his neck. She could hear him chuckling quietly but his eyes didnt look back at her. Kaycee could feel her heart shatter as she stood there, motionless, frozen to her spot. 

'Mom, come on' Kayden complained, pulling at her sleeve. Kaycee snapped back out of her trance, nodding her head as she briskly walked out.

'Let's go' Kaycee smiled nervously. 



QOTD: FAVOURITE FRUIT? Mine would 100% be mangos. Yum!





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