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(Part 1)

'Isn't that great, mom?' Kayden exclaimed, showing Kaycee his phone as she re-read the message over and over again.

'I don't know, Kay' she sighed, taking the phone from his hands and scrolling down for further information.

'Well, it's not up to you, mom. I have to, it's the schools decision' Kayden laughed, grabbing the phone and highlighting the part where it said 'mandatory'.

'A school may be able to teach kids. But a mother knows what's best for them' Kaycee said.

Kaycee had woken up this morning with a fright, well more like her 16 year old son jumping on her bed with excitement. His school had decided to start a new dance program for every kid in the school and like Kayden said it was cumposlary. Every year, the school tried something new in the arts department. Last year it was self portraits and the year before pottery. She couldn't believe her ears when he had told her that this year they would be dancing.

'Kay, you know I would let you do any of these things, but dance? I don't know about that. You somehow manage to injure yourself with every step you take' Kaycee sighed, recalling the time she had come home to 1 year old Kayden with a bruised forehead, or the time he slipped and broke his ankle while going ice skating. 'Dancing just seems...dangerous for you. No offense'.

'Mom' Kayden complained. His eyebsrows creased creating a frown, stomping his feet dramatically on the bed.

'Cora's doing it' he tried, pleading with her.

'Yeah, but she probably doesn't have two left feet like you do. Her dad's a dancer, remember?' she laughed, slapping her thigh at her own joke.

'Please mom' Kayden begged, kneeling down in front of her, with his eyelashes batting profusely. 

'I'll think about it...' she smiled, wiggling her brows. 'Now go on, you gotta get going to meet with Cora, don't you? Wouldnt want to leave her waiting' she giggled, pulling the blanket over her body.

'You're right.' He stood up, fixing the collar off his jacket and tying a bracelet on his wrist tighter.

'Oh, that's a cute bracket. I don't remember you having that' Kaycee murmured, beginning her journey back to sleep.

'Uh-um Cora gave it to me' he blushed, ready to dart out the door before Kaycee could tease him further.

'That's cute' she cooed, too tired to properly realise what was happening. Kayden sighed, pressing a kiss onto Kaycee's forehead.

'Remember to text me when your get there. And people on the bus can be creeepy. Text me if you feel uncomfortable' she mumbled, turning away and closing her eyes into sleep.

'I know, I know. I'll be okay. Bye mom' he chuckled, amused at her sleepy state. He quietly shut the bedroom door close, squirming in excitement at the thought of getting to spend a whole day with Cora at the arcades.


'Hey Kayden. How are you?' Julian greeted, opening the door and welcoming the young boy inside. 'Is your mom here?'

'No, not today. For once she actually let me take the bus' he laughed, shaking his head at her need to be over protective.

'Okay, that's fine. I need to get going. Cora's upstairs in her room. Make yourself at home' Julian smiled, patting the boy's back and watching him run upstairs. Julian knelt down to tie his shoes, turning to Sean. 'Thanks so much, Sean. I seriously owe you big time' Julian thanked, swinging a set of car keys on his index finger.

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