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3 days later.

'Proud of you, bro. Git' Julian exclaimed, giving Sean a brotherly hug. Sean smiled in response, the butterflies that had erupted still flying around as he nearly fell weak at his knees. However, the smile didn't last long and soon flattered into a straight line. 'What's up?'

'How do I know if I did the right thing?' He sighed, leaning against the wall with his hands stuffed in his pants pockets.

'Well...you don't, but you got to try to find out...don't tell Chloe I ever told you this. But I didn't think I'd ever catch myself falling for her' he whispered.


'Just didn't ever seem like my type, but she asked me out and I don't think I've ever made a better decision in my life' he smiled, patting Sean's shoulder and leaving without another word.

His stomachs continued to be swarmed with butterflies when he felt the presence of someone around him.

'Julie, huh?' She smirked, swirling her tongue inside her mouth as she rocked back and forth on her tippy-toes.

'What-uh-I. Who told you that?' Sean stuttered, scratching the back of his neck nervously.

'Dad did. He said 'Give Sean some space, Julie asked him out and he's all nervous. Don't know if he'll say yes, but just give him privacy'' she laughed, mimicking her dad's voice. 'I can't belive it took you three days to say yes'

'I-I was just busy over the past few days' he lied, his throat bobbing up and down.

'Sure you were...thinking about Julie' Cora teased further, giving Sean's shoulder a light punch. 'So...have you brought her on a date?'

'Shut up, Cora...I can barely wrap my head around the fact that I said yes, let alone bring her on a date' Sean groaned, a childish pout playing on his lips.

'Why? Do you not like her?'

'I do' Sean said quickly, almost too fast. 'I do...but I just don't know if it's romantcially'.

'Adult love' Cora t'sked jokingly, patting Sean's head in a playful manner before leaving to get ready for school.


'Where's the bathrooms. I need to pee' A young boy squirmed in his spot as she held his legs together and whined.

'Third door to the left' Julian smiled, showing the boy his way out before clapping to signal that the dance class was over. 'Thank you guys, again. Have a good nights rest. Tomorrow things are getting tougher'.

The class swarmed around Julian, all huddling around to be the first person to get out and sit in the bus. As for Kayden, he immediately jumped into Sean's arms-like every other day-chuckling quietly as Sean spun him around.

'Good class, bud?'

'Amazing. Hell lot of work but amazing' he chirped, letting go off Sean and holding onto his forearm. He snuggled into Sean's side, closing his eyes as he let himself rest under his protection.

'Let's get going into my office, yeah? Your mom knows where to collect you at,anyways' Sean smiled, but it didn't quite reach his eyes. Of course, this didn't go unnoticed by Kayden, he looked questionably at him but decided to shrug it off.

'You forgot about us...I swear to God, that you two are closer than me and Sean' Julian laughing pointing at Sean and Kayden as he followed the two along with Cora.

Kayden held on tighter to Sean's forearm, skipping happily with the older man.

The bottom of Sean's stomach filled with guilt and for once he wished that the butterflies would just resume its place-as he felt like he was being eaten alive with all the pestering questions and the warning Bailey and given a few days prior. He still didn't know exactly what she meant but he was trying to make sense of it all.

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