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'I'm stuffed' Bailey groaned, patting her full stomach as she sat down onto the couch, Chloe next to her.

'Me too' tge blonde sighed.

The old father clock in the corner of the living room chimed. Night had finally befallen the group, wrapping the day in its dark blanket, filling the inky night sky with its specks of light - the sun slowly set against the horizon allowing the full moon rise to its glorious beauty. 

The lingering light was obliterated by the rapidly falling night. The once salmon and purple sky transformed into a vast expanse of jet-black that engulfed the town. A canopy of luminous stars materialized amongst the ocean of blackness. Some were dull, merely flickering into existence every now and then, but there was an adequate amount of shimmering stars to illuminate the dark, moonless night. The sea glistened, mirroring the dazzling assemblage of glittering stars and the luminescence from the restaurants and designer boutiques that lined the valley. The faint wind brushed against the water's surface, the ripples ruffled the stillness of the surface, and shattered the reflection of the harbour.

'Are you going back home or staying here?' Bailey asked in a whisper, as she pulled a blanket over her body.

'I think we're heading home, right Jules?' Chloe turned to face her husband, the tired man fast asleep beside Cora. The girl was sitting next to Kayden, head on his shoulder as the two snored softly.

'Just stay over. It's no biggie' Bailey suggested, although it wasn't her house or say. But she was taking all actions tonight so why not another?

'Maybe' Chloe whispered, her eyes threatening to fall asleep as she tried to keep them open by focusing on different objects in the room. Keyword:tried. Soon, she had let out a small yawn, stretching her arms before comfortably dozing off to sleep.

'Bails. Bails' Kaycee murmured, tapping her shoulder. Bailey flinched, grumbling something as she turned to face Kaycee.


'Are you going to sleep?' Kaycee asked softly, keeping her voice down seeing as two adults and the teens were fast sleep.

'Yeah, why?'

'What am I gonna do, then? I'm not tired' Kaycee whined, brows creased together in a frown.

'I don't know. Go do something with your boyfriend. I don't want any funny business though, got it?' Bailey teased, a smirk playing on her lips as she rested her eyes.

'Boyfriend? Funny business? Stop it Bailey' Kaycee huffed, rolling her eyes and crossing her arms above her chest. Bailey let out a quiet giggle, not bothering to give her a response.

'Rude' Kaycee scoffed. She sat down on the floor, the rug keeping her warm as she struggled to find something to do.

'Need some company?' Sean asked, sitting behind her and placing his hand on her shoulder.

Kaycee visibly flinched at the contact, making a weird smiley face as she scooted away to get more distance between them.

'I-uh I guess?' She shrugged unsurely, diverting her gaze to the hem of her shirt. Silence fell upon them before Kaycee spoke up again. 'We could-uh watch something together. Like-I mean uh...'.

'That's fine by me' Sean smiled, a dimple teasing the side of his cheeks.

'Okay, then. Cool-that's great, I think...uh let me just go turn the tv on-yeah' Kaycee laughed awkwardly, rising to her feet and switching the tv on. She grabbed the remote, saying a quick prayer for whatever reason before turning back and sitting beside him. Sean unconsciously shuffled closer to the brunette, his arm brushing against hers.

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